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It claimed to be the first to sell tea "according to the directions of the most knowing merchants and travellers into the eastern countries," but ultimately became more famous for its sandwiches and sherry. No doubt it was the latter, or something even more substantial, that Mr. Pickwick had been indulging during the day he wrote that momentous message.

"And you didn't move it?" They beat it and kneaded it gaily together, until the fingers were full of the rushing blood and able again to close warmly over her own little hand. "Now go, and let me get ready. I won't be long." He went below to the library, and in the dim grey light picked up a book, "The Delights of Delicate Eating." He tried another, "101 Sandwiches."

At least you need not go hungry, with that lunch of Lighter's and your apples, to say nothing of the sandwiches I asked the steward to make before I left the train. And to-morrow, when you are safe with your friends at Wenatchee, you are going to forget this miserable experience like an unpleasant dream." "I am not ungrateful," she said quickly. "I enjoyed every moment of that drive.

"Could Snap come through a closed do', Mrs. Bobbsey. Could Snap do that?" "Come through a door? No, I don't believe he could. But he might open it. Snoop can open doors." "Yes, maybe do's that hab a catch on, but not knob-do's, Snoop can't open, an' Snap can't neither. Besides, de do' was shut when I left de sandwiches on de table an' went fo' de basket." "Oh, was it?" asked Mrs.

If there was any culinary work to be done the Motor Maids would do it, and Miss Campbell might possibly arrange the salt cellars or offer to go over the silver with a polishing cloth. Mrs. Lupo dumbly acquiesced to the lunch. "We will be glad to make the sandwiches, Mrs. Lupo," said Billie timidly. "Please let us have some cold meat. I suppose there is plenty of bread?

At sunset John and his two companions reached the huge cliff which had marked the boundaries of the Washington's dominion, and looking back found the valley tranquil and lovely in the dusk. They sat down to finish the food which Jasmine had brought with her in a basket. "There!" she said, as she spread the table-cloth and put the sandwiches in a neat pile upon it. "Don't they look tempting?

So I picked a good-looking spot near the head of the stream that we'd been following, and we camped there for the night, ate the rest of our sandwiches, and rolled up in our blankets. It wasn't very comfortable but it was a case of needs must. "In the morning I set out to find the trail again. It had pretty well disappeared choked up by the brush.

The Governor, who had never taken his old yacht's entry seriously, grew tremendously excited, ordered a light trap and two fast ponies round, and he and I, equipped with telescopes and sandwiches, spent the rest of the day tearing from one end of the island to the other, now on the south shore, now on the north shore, lying on our stomachs with telescopes to our eyes.

Music and supper furnished free. Everybody welcome. Can't Riley drive the chuck-wagon over and have the supper served by a camp-fire? Golly, but I've been hungry for that old chuck-wagon! That would keep all the mess of coffee and sandwiches out of the nice, new schoolhouse." "Who's going to hold their hat in front of the nice, new schoolhouse till it's done and ready?

"I've sent to Fullers' for some cakes, though I don't myself consider them a patch on the Priorsford cakes, but they will be a change and make it more of an occasion. Mawson can make delicious sandwiches and Bella Bathgate has actually offered to bake some scones. I'll make the room look as smart as possible with flowers." "You've no photographs of relations?