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"Come into the house, Elsli," said the doctor's wife; "you look very tired. Hans, if you will get down and come into the house yourself, you shall have a piece of bread and an apple. Come." "If you won't come," said her sister, "you can stay here, while Rudi and Heili come with me and get bread and apples. They can walk, without hanging on to Elsli's skirts and tearing her to pieces. Come, boys!"

Sexuality is not something to be shrunk from, discouraged or denied, but is a candid, copious law of Nature to be recognized. When Rudi returned shortly from Leipsic, where it had been deemed best for him to retire for the moment, he appeared as conceited and noisy as if nothing had happened. He was not cowed or penitent.

Frau had prepared a partial meal and Elsa was making ready to sweep and dust and tidy up the rooms. The parents were in a rage. They made no bones about it. Frau blurted out with German unreservedness: "I packed Tekla off the animal. She had no consideration for me. What do you think, Herr Kirtley? She is going to be a mother. And by Rudi.

Princess Meternich, who had suspected my embarrassment on that score also when I left Paris, had given me a warm recommendation to Count Nako and his family in Vienna, referring me with particular emphasis to his wife. Now I had made the acquaintance through Standhartner, during the short time before he left me, of young Prince Rudolph Liechtenstein known to his friends as Rudi.

Well, I telephoned the old man this morning and asked him if Rudi would take a parcel for me to Karl. He said he would and the General is coming here to lunch to-day to fetch it. "Von Boden is an old beast and runs after every woman he meets. He is by way of being partial to me, if you please, sir. I think I should be able to find out from him what are the latest developments in your case.

The idea of an ordinary family living comfortably along with a spy in its midst, ready to inform on them and their guests, was so foreign to his notions, so caddish, that it weakened his confidence in his compatriot's judgment. While Gard felt that Rudi was not "straight," he could not consider him downright harmful.

"You're a dangerous man to have around, Des, I know that, without worrying my head about any old secret. But you are my friend and Francis' brother and I'm going to help you. "Now, listen! Old von Boden was at that party last night: he came in late. Rudi von Boden, he told me, is going to take despatches to Rumania, to Mackensen's head-quarters.

He wished to leave with good feelings all around. When Rudi helped him get his trunk from the store room, Gard's forgotten passport fell out and excited the other's curiosity. "I've never seen an American state paper before," he remarked, puffing a cigarette. "What a droll looking affair! So different from ours. Would you mind if I just glanced at it?" "Certainly not."

She had always had the greatest fear of the wife of her cousin Gotti, and always stood a long time before the door, when she was sent there with a message, before she could summon courage to enter. The eldest son, Cheppi, that rough fellow, lived there, and Hannes and Rudi; and they threw stones at all the children. Was that to be her home? Fear caused the child to turn pale and immovable.

Pope, Imitations of Horace, Bk. ii Sat. 'One of the dippers at Brighthelmstone, seeing Mr. Johnson swim in the year 1766, said: "Why, Sir, you must have been a stout-hearted gentleman forty years ago." Piozzi's Anec. p. 113. 'Errat adhuc vitreus per prata virentia rivus, Quo toties lavi membra tenella puer; Hic delusa rudi frustrabar brachia motu, Dum docuit blanda voce natare pater.