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Wouldn't you have thought he would have more sense than this right here at home break up my service? He let her get him into the mess. I have no doubt it was her doings my poor Rudi. We have sent him away for a couple of days. I told Tekla to go be off. And she was out on the street like that with her bundle of belongings under her arm. And here I am with no servant.

Had Rudi, with whom he had had hardly any contact, stirred her up against him out of sheer unjustified Satanism?

"I will help you," said Cheppi, snatching the pieces from the table; and was about to stuff them into his open mouth, but they flew up into the air instead, for Hannes had knocked Cheppi's hand up with a smart blow, and so the plunder was scattered, and Rudi darted upon it, and carried part of it away.

Troubling gifts, consequently, became rather out of the question with Gard. He feared that Fräulein Elsa might reflect sometimes the feeling of unfriendliness which he was aware of in the supercilious Rudi. The latter exhibited a negligent attitude of indifference toward Gard, though it was cloaked under casualness.

Rudi opened to view his inside coat pocket in testimony, as if he were an important individual. Gard shifted ground again. "I don't know. I may carry it in my pocket with my ticket. What if I leave it in my trunk after all? I shall have to open up at the border anyhow." The subject of the passport kept in Rudi's mind.

Am I right?" inquired Rudi after he had minutely read it through as if he had been an official. "Only at the frontier." Gard grew wary. This knowing and recent familiarity was not becoming entirely agreeable. It would be prudent to mystify the son. "But of course something might happen in a German town and I might need it. So it's always convenient to have about."