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'If you please, miss, he said, 'a young lady is in the library waiting to see you. My mistress is out. The lady asked for both you and Miss Bridget. 'Who can it be? said Rosalys. 'How tiresome! said Biddy. But they were accustomed to see visitors that had to be seen when their mother was out, and they went together to the library.

Fairchild should have died and papa got well, when you think how ill papa was and that he seemed quite well then. 'He was always delicate Mr. Fairchild, I mean, said Rosalys. 'But it was very sad; they were so very fond of him. But, Biddy, we have heard of Celestina since then don't you remember, mamma wrote to tell Madame d'Ermont of their trouble, and she wrote to Mrs.

It's dear little Celestina, grown up, and oh, how nice and pretty and good you look! And we've been speaking of you all this morning. It's Alie's birthday; she's twenty-one, just fancy! And where have you been, and where's your mother, and Her breathlessness gave Rosalys time to come forward and warmly kiss Celestina in her turn.

Vane had bought a pony for him to ride backwards and forwards, so Randolph was in capital spirits. But he was not an unkind or selfish boy, and though his pet name 'Rough' suited him sometimes as regarded his manners, his heart was gentle. And indeed the name had been given to him at first on account of his thick shaggy hair, as a very little boy. 'It's rather cold standing about, said Rosalys.

And if there just was one, you know, it would be nice to be there to help the poor wet people, and carry them in to the fire, and rub them dry with hot blankets, like in that story, you know. 'A lot you'd be able to carry, said Rough contemptuously. 'Why, you're so fat and roundabout, and your legs are so short you can scarcely carry yourself. 'Rough, began Rosalys warningly. And

'And oh, look, what nice dolls' furniture! What a pity, Biddy, you don't care for dolls! 'Little china tea-things and delightful dinner-sets; Trumpets, drums, and baby-horses; balls in coloured nets. What the Toys do at Night. Just as she said these words Rosalys became conscious that some one else was standing beside her. She looked round.

Vane started and interrupted himself in the middle of a lively account of the adventures he and Randolph had met with in their walk. 'My dear Biddy, he said. 'What can you have to sigh about in that appalling way? Bridget opened her mouth as if to speak, but Rosalys, trembling as to what she might not be going to say, interrupted.

Will you not come farther in, Miss Vane? or, with a little hesitation, 'would you step into the parlour there is a nice fire and sit down for a few minutes? said Mrs. Fairchild to Rosalys. Rosalys began to thank her, but before she had time to do more than begin Bridget interrupted. 'Oh yes, Alie, please do, she said eagerly. 'I do so want to see what a parlour's like.

The mother took it all with a silent, inexpressive thoughtfulness, though it was felt that she did not want her boy to be unhappy. Rosalys, if she admired Lemoyne a little more, now liked him rather less.

She ran on, though slowly, till at last Randolph shouted to her to stop. Then she stood still waiting till he called to her again, for he and Rosalys took some time to settle how much of a start Alie was to have from where she stood, Biddy heard them talking and measuring. 'I wish they wouldn't run races, thought the little girl. 'They're so big compared with me they've such much longer legs.