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Moreover the poems existed only in MS.; subsequently they were published in a Recueil de Poesies. The manner of the discovery of the poems is curious, and serves as a warning to incautious bards. Leaving his chamber one day, he opened the window, and unfortunately a strong gust of wind carried several pages of MS. which were lying on his table into the street.

Pleuro-pneumonia proper is neither a contagious, nor an infectious disease; hence, the denial of medical men that this so-called pleuro-pneumonia is a contagious, or infectious disease, has been the means of unnecessarily exposing many animals to its poisonous influence. In the Recuéil de Médécine Vétérinaire, for 1833, will be found a very interesting description of this fatal malady.

"Recueil de Pieces Authentiques sur la Revolution a Strasbourg," I., 65. Alfred Lallier, "Les Noyades de Nantes," p.90. Berryat Saint-Prix, p.436. At the end of December, 1793, Camille Desmoulins wrote: "Open the prison doors to those two hundred thousand citizens whom you call 'suspects'!" The number of prisoners largely increased during the seven following months.

Paris, 1802. 2 vols. folio. Description de l'Egypte, ou Recueil des Observations, &c. faites pendant l'Expédition de l'Armie Française, en 3 livraisons. Paris, 1809, &c.

"A lents tours de roue." St. Simon, tom. vii. Recueil of M. Geffroy, Letter lvi. This conduct allayed the mutterings of the spent tempest. The court grew accustomed to behold in her an unfortunate noblewoman resigned to her exile with an antique patience.

Both Belmont and the author of the Recueil speak of the prisoners as having been "pris par l'appat d'un festin." Mr. Shea, usually so exact, has been led into some error by confounding the different acts of this affair. By Denonville's official journal, it appears that, on the 19th June, Perre, by his order, captured several Indians on the St.

Le recueil de Bergeron, bon pour son temps, ne l'est plus pour le notre. Composé d'ouvrages qui contiennent beaucoup d'erreurs, nous y voudrions des notes critiques, des discussions historiques, des observations savantes; et peut-être seroit-ce aujourd'hui une entreprise utile et qui ne pourroit manquer d'être accueillie très-favorablement du public, que celle d'une édition nouvelle des voyages anciens, faite ainsi, surtout si l'on y joignoit, autant qu'il seroit possible, le texte original avec la traduction. Mais cette traduction, il faudrait qu'elle fut très-scrupuleusement fidèle. Il faudroit avant tout s'y interdire tout retranchement, ou au moins en prévenir et y présenter en extrait ce qu'on croiroit indispensable de retrancher. Ce n'est point l'agrément que s'attend de trouver dans de pareils ouvrages celui qui entreprend la lecture; c'est l'instruction. Dès le moment vous les dénaturerez, vous voudrez leur donner une tournure moderne et ètre lu des jeunes gens et des femmes, tout est manqué. Avez-vous des voyages, quels qu'ils soient, de tel ou tel siècle? Voil

Louis's date and collected by his order, although the paragraph which serves as preface to the work is given under his name and as if it had been dictated by him. Another act, known by the name of the Pragmatic Sanction, has likewise got placed, with the date of March, 1268, in the Recueil des Ordonnances des Rois de France, as having originated with St. Louis.

I informed him that Lord Hailes, who had promised to furnish him with some anecdotes for his Lives of the Poets, had sent me three instances of Prior's borrowing from Gombauld, in Recueil des Poetes, tome 3. Epigram To John I owed 'great obligation, p. 25. To the Duke of Noailles, p. 32. Sauntering Jack and Idle Joan, p. 25.

"There was one review of his works, published in a London 'Recueil, as he called it, to which Jasmin referred with great pleasure. A portion of it had been translated, he said, in the preface to a French edition of his works; and he had most of the highly complimentary phrases by heart.