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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Trevison's horse knockin' Corrigan down was what started it, they've been tellin' me," said Carson. "But thim that know Trevison's black knows that Trevison wasn't to blame." "Not to blame?" she asked; "why not?" "For the simple rayson thot in a case like thot the mon has no control over the baste, ma'am.

"Moses saw God in the burrnin' bussh, an' bowed down to it, an' worrshipt it. It wasn't the bussh he worrshipt; it was his God that was in it. He's nothin' but a human burrnin' bussh, perhaps, but he's got the god of war in um. Adjetant Wallis, it's a long time between dhrinks, as I think ye was sayin', an' with rayson. See if ye can't confiscate a canteen of whiskee somewhere in the camp.

"Go and see Aunt Rachel?" cried old Fuller, when the girl had told him her intention. "Well, why not?" Ruth ran up-stairs, and Fuller waddled into the room where Reuben waited. "Ruth talks about bringin' th' ode wench back to rayson," he said, with a fat chuckle, "but that's a road Miss Blythe 'll niver travel again, I reckon. Her said good-by to rayson, and shook hands a many hears ago.

"And what is a Tippo, Typo, or Toppographical Engineer, Sergeant?" broke in the little Irish Corporal, who chanced to be one of the group, rather seriously. "Isn't it something like a land surveyor; and be Jabers, wasn't the great Washington himself a land surveyor? Eh? Maybe that's the rayson these Tippos, Typos, or Toppographical Engineers ride such high horses."

'Now, my darlin', I know you 'm a brave gal, and can act accordin' when there's rayson for it. I've got a plan as 'll save you yet, if on'y you've got the courage. Julia's clasped hands and eager look encouraged her to proceed. 'My dear, you remember Romeo and Juliet? You remember how Juliet got the sleepin' draught an' took it? 'Julia's look was one of wonder, pure and simple, now.

'My father is away from home come and ask for them when he's here to answer you. A wild, insolent laugh from below acknowledged what they thought of this speech. 'Maybe that was the rayson we came now, miss, said a voice, in a lighter tone. 'Fine courageous fellows you are to say so! I hope Ireland has more of such brave patriotic men.

"There's none I'd liever have shake me by the hand than yoursilf, Ned," said Battersleigh, "the more especially by this rayson, that ye've nivver believed in ould Batty at all, but thought him a visionary schamer, an' no more. Didn't ye, now, Ned; on your honour?" "No," said Franklin stoutly. "I've always known you to be the best fellow in the world." "Tut, tut!" said Battersleigh.

D'ablish, th' loup-garou, the Frinchies call her; an' the white divil, the Injuns an' good rayson, f'r to me own knowledge she's kilt foive folks, big an' shmall, an' some Injuns besides. They claim she's a divil, an' phwin she howls, 'tis because some sowl has missed th' happy huntin' grounds in th' dyin', an' she's laughin'." "I don't know that I blame them," said Bill.

'It's every step of eight miles, cried one. 'No, but it's ten, asseverated another with energy, 'by rayson that you must go by the road. There's nobody would venture across the bog in the dark. 'Wid five shillings in my hand 'And five more when ye come back, continued another, who was terrified at the low estimate so rashly adventured.

I'd like if you'd the time you'd come in and see Susan. She's frightened like in herself an' she won't listen to rayson." "Why, what's the matter?" asked Lady O'Gara, turning towards the lodge, while Patsy re-padlocked the gate. She did not wait for his answer, which was slow of coming. Patsy was always deliberate. In the quiet and cheerful interior of the lodge she found a terrified Susan.

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