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"O, you may laugh if you plaze, and I see by the same that you don't know about the pig, with all your edication, Captain." "Well, what about the pig?" "Why, sir, did you never hear a pig can see the wind?" "I can't say that I did." "O, thin he does, and for that rayson who has a right to know more about it?"

"Shan More, 'faith no less." "Ho, ho! a dangerous customer to play tricks on, Andy." "Sure enough, 'faith, and that's partly the rayson of what happened; but, by good luck, Big Jack was blind dhrunk when I got there, and I shammed screechin' so well that his sisther took pity on me, and said she'd keep me safe from harm in her own bed that night."

"Well, and what was he the betther o' having more prate than a Scotchman?" asked the other. "Why," answered Kelly's friend, "I think it stands to rayson that the man that done out the Scotch steward ought to know somethin' more about farmin' than Mikee Coghlan." "Augh! don't talk to me about knowing," said the other, rather contemptuously.

The next thing I knew I was lying in the bed at home an' me sore from head to foot, an' able to see only out o' wan eye be rayson of a bandage across the other: an' me grandfather an' the neighbours wor sayin' that Mr. Terence Comerford was kilt, and that Sir Shawn O'Gara was distracted with grief.

'Divil a fut I'll go down, says the waiver. Well, as soon as the waiver knew he was dead asleep, by the snorin' of him and every snore he let out of him was like a clap o' thunder that minit the waiver began to creep down the three, as cautious as a fox; and he was very nigh hand the bottom, when, bad cess to it, a thievin' branch he was dipindin' an bruk, and down he fell right a-top o' the dhraggin; but if he did, good luck was an his side, for where should he fall but with his two legs right acrass the dhraggin's neck, and, my jew'l, he laid howlt o' the baste's ears, and there he kept his grip, for the dhraggin wakened and endayvoured for to bite him; but, you see, by rayson the waiver was behind his ears, he could not come at him, and, with that, he endayvoured for to shake him off; but the divil a stir could he stir the waiver; and though he shuk all the scales an his body, he could not turn the scale agin the waiver.

"I want to look at them; I should like to look at them." "My orders was to wheel 'em straight home," returned Joseph. "I worn't told to let nobody handle 'em, but it stands to rayson as they hadn't ought to be handled." "Wheel them to my door," said the little old maid, stooping for her fallen sunshade. "I will give you sixpence." "That's another matter," said Joseph, sagely.

If any ould woman kin be placed in the froont rank av Frakes fer the rayson that her gran'son killed another ould woman, wull ye tell me, sor, phwat becomes av our janius an' harrud work?

"I've served yez, fair an' faithful, for six mont's, and it stan's to rayson as I wouldn't 'a' been let to stay that long onder yer ruff if so be I hadn't shuited yez." She has me there, and she knows it. Inwardly, I retract some of the hard things I have thought and said of Mrs. ... of No ... West Fifty-seventh street.

"Stop a minute, papa," she urged when he took hold of her arm to draw her from the rail. "Do look! they have all left him now they have killed him. I wonder what they quarrelled about?" "Sure, an' just for the same rayson, missy, that Christians hate sich other," said Mr McCarthy, "just for no cause at all, but bekaze they can't help it, alannah!

The lower the scale the less the feelin'. Stands to rayson, that does. I mek no manner of a doubt as he's got Scripter for it." "Lower in the scale of natur', Mr. Eld?" said Gold, turning his ascetic face and mournful eyes upon Sennacherib. "Theer's two things," returned Sennacherib, "as a man o' sense has no particular liking to.