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"To how many poles is the magnet usually constant?" inquired the Count with a serious air. The Baron smiled a little foolishly, and then, with a confidential air, replied "Ach, Bonker, marriage is blessed and it is happy, and it is everyzing that my heart desires; only I jost sometimes vish it vas not qvite qvite so uninterruptable!"

Steele, smiling as we pass the Trocadero and draw up at the station. "Qvite right! I am advise by a friend to stay and zee dthe Dthursday bull-fight I dthink I must." He helps us out of the carriage without noticing my unspoken amazement or Mrs. Steele's incredulous, "What nonsense." "I vill put you in dthe train and then come back to zee your dthings come."

"Bot you have bought ze kilt, ze Highland hat, ze brogue shoes." "I had them made to your measurements." The Baron impetuously embraced his thoughtful friend. Then again his smile died away. "Bot, Bonker, my voice! Zey tell me I haf nozing zat you vould call qvite an accent; bot a foreigner one does regognize him, eh?" "I shall explain that in a sentence.

I assured him that it was of no consequence. "Perhaps," he replied, looking steadily at me through his keen, half-shut eyes, "you vill not say zat ven you regard ze 'ole. And you others, I spik to you: sometimes von loses a somzing vich is qvite near all ze time. It is ver' droll, eh? my vord, ha, ha, ha!" And he ambled off, with an aggressively fiendish laugh that chilled my blood.

"If I do no more for you than is possible, it will not be enough." "Vell, vell, I vill act qvite frankly." "Frankly that is all I ask," said Peyrade, "and frankness is the only thing at all new that you and I can offer to each other." "Frankly," echoed the Baron. "Vere shall I put you down." "At the corner of the Pont Louis XVI."

Or what do you say to a packet of dynamite in the two-penny tube?" The Baron sobered down a trifle. "Ach, not so fast, not qvite so fast, dear Bonker. Remember I must not get into troble at ze embassy." "My dear fellow, that's your pull. Foreign diplomatists are police-proof!" "Ah, but my wife!" "One stormy hour then tears and forgiveness!" The Baron lowered his voice.

Qvite!” said the Baron, with the firmness of a martyr. “There are so many imitations.” “Not so close zat zey can deceive!” “Ha, ha, ha!” laughed Mr Bunker. “These first symptoms are common to them all, and yet the varieties of the disease are almost beyond counting. I myself have suffered from it in eight different forms.

This hut was by that time so nearly touched by the water that all the people who had formerly crowded round it had forsaken it and made for the so-called mountain. Only Liz herself remained, and Herr Winklemann, to take care of their respective parents. "Do you think it safe to stay?" asked the clergyman, as he was about to leave. "Safe, ya; qvite safe.

The girl has had a passion, and has spent some money left in her hands, which she is now called upon to pay. By the poker! a queer thing is a heart of two and-twenty." "Ver' goot, ver' goot, I shall arrange all dat," said Nucingen, assuming a cunning look. "It is qvite settled dat I shall protect her."

"Oh, you can zee qvite vell dthrough here." I put my eye to the little opening and can dimly descry an open arena with seats in tiers opposite. "Dthey zay dthey haf a bull-fight Dthursday" the Baron is reading the Spanish bill posted at the door. "Ve had better stay and let you zee." "There's the carriage!" I exclaim, and we hurry back, take leave of Mrs.