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Updated: August 13, 2024

Prethee, good Girle, Be not so cruell to thy aged father To somme up all his miseries before him. Daught. I come, Sir, to entreat your Company. Bar. I am not alone. Daught. My Mother will not eate, Sir. What fitt is this! Bar. There can be no attonement: I know the Prince: Vandort is fleshd upon me, And Bredero, though he be of noble nature, Dare not step in. Wher's my Son William?

I had rather watch, Sir, If you sitt up, for I know you will wake me. Leid. Indeed I will not; goe, I have much to doe; Prethee to bed; I will not waken thee. Boy. Pray, Sir, leave wryting till to morrow. Leid. Why, Boy? Boy. You slept but ill last night, and talkd in your sleep, too; Tumbled and tooke no rest. Leid. I ever doe soe.

Prethee, allow me at least to kiss your Hand before the appointed Day, that my Mind may be in some Composure. September 30, 1671. Seven in the Morning. Dear Creature, Next to the Influence of Heav'n, I am to thank you that I see the returning Day with Pleasure.

Ring all your companie in. Un. Thou would'st make me a Captaine of a Morris dance. What serve the phifes and Drumms for, prethee? Tho. But does your worship thinke you shall endure the bouncing of the Gunns? I observed you ever kept a way of at the Musters. Un. Thou shalt therefore every morne goe a birding about the house to inure me to the report.

Thus high you raise me, a most glorious kindnes For all my Cares! For my most faithfull service For you and for the State thus ye promote me! I thanck ye, Cuntrymen, most nobely thanck ye. Pull of my Gowne. Of what place are ye, frend? Exec. Of Utrich, Sir. Bar. Of Utrich! Wherefore, prethee, Art thou appointed here? Exec. To tell you true, Sir, I won this place at dyce: we were three appointed.

1 Lord. Will ye confes your faultes? Bar. I come not heather To make myself guilty; yet one fault I must utter, And 'tis a great one. 2 Lord. The greater mercy. Bar. I dye for saving this unthanckfull Cuntry. 1 Lord. Play not with heaven. Bar. My Game's as sure as yours is, And with more care and inocence I play it. Take of my doblet; and I prethee, fellow, Strike without feare. Exec.

'Troth, I thinck not, Sir. Bar. No, Boy, I warrant thee; they make great soundes, But mark what followes. Prethee, let's be merry, I want it much. Son. I am glad to see you so, Sir. Enter Servant. Bar. I cannot be above two daies from Councell, I know their wants. How now, what haste? Serv. O, Sir, ye are undon; We have lost ye. Bar. Ha! Serv. For ever lost ye. Bar. Why? Bar. Where? how?

Grimes, put to the doore and leave us. Tho. Freind, Ere I begin my story I would wish you Collect yourselfe, awake your sleeping Spiritts, Invoake your patience, all thats man about you To ayd your resolution; for I feare The newes I bring will like a palsie shake Your soules indifferenst temper. Bon. Prethee, what is't which on the soddaine can Be thus disastrous? 'tis beyond my thoughts. Tho.

You alway excepted; tis but melancholly; Prethee bestow a kisse upon me, love; Perchance that will expell it. Bel. Bon.

You shalbe advertisd where she remaines, And certifie us how your mother takes it: When we are married we shall live to thanke you. Cla. Will you leave me, then? Bel. Prethee, poore heart, lament not; we shall meet, And all these stormes blowe over. Cla. Your tempests past; mine now begins to rise But Ile allay its violence with my eyes. Exeunt omnes. Actus Quartus.

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