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Updated: August 27, 2024

"It's not as if he had been happy. He wasn't. Couldn't have been." She fell to stroking gently that hand under her own. Its nervous quivering ceased. "You know that funny way he had the way he used to go poppin' in and out as if he was lookin' for somebody? That's what I can't bear to think of. Like as if he'd wanted something badly and wouldn't let on to anybody about it.

Rivas surveyed Anse none too amicably, his gaze going from man to horse and its gear, then back to the Texan once more. "You are Tejano," he said flatly. "From the Neusca——" Anse showed no surpise at being so accurately identified. "Been bush poppin’," he agreed, smiling. "Not much cattle here," Rivas returned. "Run hosses in th’ San Sabe ’fore th’ war."

Hell's going to pop, believe me, and right here before you is the stiff that'll do a lot of the poppin'. Some several and plenty's going to learn who's an old stiff." How I have been sleeping! This relief of renewed normality is delicious thanks to Miss West. Now why did not Captain West, or Mr. Pike, both experienced men, diagnose my trouble for me? And then there was Wada.

My husband wuz in the Mexican War, an' he's offen tole me thet fur weeks arter the battle o' Buner Visty he couldn't heah a twig snap withouten his heart poppin' right up inter his mouth, an' hit wuz so with everybody else, much ez they tried ter play off unconsarned like."

"Why, Eth'opia, I reckon, if she's got a crew of Eth'opians settin' on t'other side of 'er superstructure." "They ain't a man-jack aboard; and you know it," snarled Galton, "or 'e'd be poppin' 'is eyes hout at such a 'orrible big sight as we must be." "Anyway, I'll bet she blows back w'ere she come from, to-night," persisted the advocate of this theory.

"What do you think of the story?" queried the sheriff. "If that Robinson Crusoe guy had only had a hoss instead of a bunch of goats, he sure could have made them natives ramble. And he sure took a whole lot of time blamin' himself for his hard luck always a-settin' back, kind o' waitin' for somethin' instead of layin' out in the brush and poppin' at them niggers.

When I 'eerd all them shots poppin' off every few minutes, up by the Casino, I used to think 'twas the suicides a shooting theirselves all over the place, for before I left 'ome, I 'ad a warnin' from my young man that was the kind of goin's on they 'ad here. But now I know it's only the pigeon shooters, tryin' for prizes, and I wouldn't eat a pigeon pie in this 'otel, not if 'twas ever so!"

"Be the hokey," said Peter, lost in amazement, and dropping his pipe into the river unconsciously, "them is the quarist bits iv mud cabins I ever seen, growing up like musharoons in the dew of an evening, and poppin' up here and down again there, and up again in another place, like so many white rabbits in a warren; and there they stand at last as firm and fast as if they were there from the Deluge; bedad it's enough to make a man a'most believe in the fairies."

She smiled at me at all of us: at me, swiftly; at them, frankly. And I knew that she was still afraid. "Reckon we don't ask no advice, friend," they answered. Again a constraint enfolded, fastened upon us by an unbidden guest. "Like as not you can do better." Daniel laughed boisterously, his mouth widely open. "I couldn't do wuss. I seen yu poppin' at that can.

"Well, I dew, Aunt Poll; there'll be some poppin' an' stickin' done in these parts, afore long!" "The Lord deliver us! an' the rest on't!" devoutly ejaculated Poll, whose piety exceeded her memory; whereat 'Zekiel, pulling on the other blue stocking that had hung suspended in his fingers, while the sailor discoursed, exhorted a little himself.

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