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Updated: August 9, 2024

Pan was the only one of Juan's listeners who had power of speech left, and he asked: "Juan, did you play any monte or poker with the queen?" "You bet. She playa best game of poker I ever seen on my life an' she won tree hunred dollars from me." Whereupon Pan succumbed to the riotous mirth. This laughter tickled Lying Juan's supreme vanity.

The next message made public sent a wave of apprehension over the country. The text was as follows: Camp Near Sevilla, Cuba, via Playa del Este, July 3. We have the town well invested in the north and east, but with a very thin line. Upon approaching it we find it of such a character and the defense so strong it will be impossible to carry it by storm with my present forces.

Commercially, Ponce is the second city of importance on the island. Playa has about 5,000 inhabitants, and here are situated the custom house, the office of the captain of the port, and all the consular offices. The port is spacious and will hold vessels of 25 feet draft.

We passed the night at the island of Cucuruparu, called also Playa de la Tortuga, because the Indians of Uruana go thither to collect the turtles' eggs. It is one of the best determined points of latitude along the banks of the Orinoco. I was there fortunate enough to observe the passage of three stars over the meridian.

Also the General willed forthwith the galley with two pinnaces to take into them the company of Captain Barton, and the company of Captain Biggs, under the leading of Captain Sampson, to seek out such munition as was hidden in the ground, at the town of Praya, or Playa, having been promised to be shewed it by a prisoner which was taken the day before.

"He playa de organ, me seeng, me feedle, de monk' he dance and bring in mon'. Monk' los', Petri keel me." "The monkey is dead." The words escaped her lips before she thought, but the frozen horror on the boy's face brought her to her senses, and she hastily cried, "But he was so sick and hurt! His back was just a mess of solid sores. It is better that he is dead!" "Oh, but Petri keel me!" "Sh!

Russell, who a month before was ``Don Tomas, ``Capitan de la playa, ``Maestro de la casa, &c., &c., begging food and shelter of Kanakas and sailors. He stayed with us till he had given himself up, and was dragged off to the calabozo. Another, and a more amusing, specimen was one whom we saw at San Francisco.

To my surprise I learned that bodies of insurgents who then held and had held for six years nearly the entire eastern province of Santiago de Cuba and Puerto Principe, and part of the extreme western province of Pinar del Rio had only a few weeks before landed by night at the port La Playa de Batabano, fifteen miles away, and with the cry of "Free Cuba and death to the Spaniard!" had blotted out the town and then marched into the heart of the country, burning houses, killing the whites and calling upon the slaves to join them in freeing Cuba.

In the wet season the playa is covered with a thin sheet of muddy water, a playa lake, supplied usually by some stream at flood. In the dry season the lake evaporates, the river which fed it retreats, and there is left to view a hard, smooth, level floor of sun-baked and sun-cracked yellow clay utterly devoid of vegetation.

I will also playa few airs to you." Melissa then plucked up courage and said, decidedly: "No, my lord; I am about to bid you farewell for to-day." "That sounds very determined," he answered, half surprised and half amused. "But may I be allowed to know what has made you decide on this step?" "There is a great deal of work waiting for you," she replied, quietly.

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