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Wherefore he, Pinchas, would be their leader. Had not the Providence, which concealed so many revelations in the letters of the Torah, given him the name Melchitsedek Pinchas, whereof one initial stood for Messiah and the other for Palestine. Yes, he would be their Messiah. But money now-a-days was the sinews of war and the first step to Messiahship was the keeping of the funds.

All the instinctive snobbery of the Ghetto toward the grand world was excited. And yet this seedy figure conflicted painfully with his ideas of the uptown type. But perhaps all dramatists were alike. Pinchas was bowed forward. In another instant the theatre was in an uproar. A man in a comfortable fauteuil had been asked to accommodate the distinguished stranger and had refused.

'And you won't come back till rehearsals begin? 'Nup. 'Then I swear on my father's and mother's life! Pinchas departed gleefully, not knowing that Kloot was an orphan.

"True, vairy true," said the poet, patently beginning to yield. "That alters things. Ve cannot let Sampson starve." "No, you see!" said Raphael. "So you must keep it alive." "Yes, but," said Pinchas, getting up thoughtfully, "Sampson is going off soon on tour vith his comic opera. He vill not need the Flag." "Oh, well, edit it till then." "Be it so," said the poet resignedly.

From the gallery the voice of Mad Davy resounded again: "Cursed sweaters stealing men's brains darkness and filth curse them! Blow them up I as we blew up Alexander. Curse them!" Pinchas was carried, shrieking hysterically, and striving to bite the arms of his bearers, through the tumultuous crowd, amid a little ineffective opposition, and deposited outside the door.

Pinchas ignored Joseph Strelitski whose raven curl floated wildly over his forehead like a pirate's flag, though Hamburg, who was rather surprised to see the taciturn young man at a meeting, strove to draw him into conversation. The man to whom Pinchas ultimately attached himself was only a man in the sense of having attained his religious majority.

"At last," he said. "See, I have got it printed the great work which this ignorant English Judaism has left to moulder while it pays its stupid reverends thousands a year for wearing white ties." "And who paid for it now, Mr. Pinchas?" said the Rebbitzin. "Who? Wh-o-o?" stammered Melchitsedek. "Who but myself?" "But you say you are blood-poor." "True as the Law of Moses!

'My wife will not sacrifice Ophelia by leaving her to a minor player. She thinks only of the play. It is very noble of her. 'But she has worked so hard, pleaded the poet desperately, 'she needs a rest. 'My wife never spares herself. Pinchas lost his head. 'But she might spare Ophelia, he groaned. 'What do you mean? cried Goldwater gruffly. 'My wife will honour you by playing Ophelia.

"I shall not forget." Pinchas strode forth into the street and lit a new cigar in his exultation. How lucky the play was not yet written! Now he would be able to make it all turn round the axis of the besom. "It shall be all besom!" His own phrase rang in his ears like voluptuous marriage bells. Yes, it should, indeed, be all besom.

Suppose Shakespeare had turned up and complained of you. 'Shakespeare would have been only too grateful. 'Hush! The boss is going on. From the opposite wing Hamlet was indeed advancing. Pinchas made a wild plunge forward, but Kloot's grasp on his collar was still carefully firm. 'Who's mutilating the poesy now? Kloot frowned angrily from under his peaked cap. 'You'll spoil the scene.