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Updated: August 2, 2024

Not that ALL niggers is that-a-way, nor HALF of 'em, nor very MANY of 'em, even but you can never tell WHICH nigger is going to be. So in the black belt the white folks is mighty pertic'ler who comes along fooling with their niggers. Fur you can never tell what turn a nigger's thoughts will take, once anything at all stirs 'em up. We didn't know them things then, Doctor Kirby and me didn't.

Bixbee with a sniff that spoke volumes of her opinion of "the feller's wife." David emitted a chuckle. "Wa'al," he continued, "I took the tickits on the feller's recommend, an' the fact of his wife's bein' so pertic'ler, an' after supper we went.

Fact is," he continued, "my gettin' you up here was putty consid'able of an experiment, but I ben watchin' ye putty close, an' I'm more'n satisfied. Mebbe Timson c'd beat ye at figurin' an' countin' money when you fust come, an' knowed more about the pertic'ler points of the office, but outside of that he was the biggist dumb-head I ever see, an' you know how he left things.

"Wal, it ain't quite clear how it come about, but the story, which is most gener'ly believed, says that the first Med'cine Man was pertic'ler cunnin', an' took real thick with the white folks' way o' doin' things. Say, he learned his folk a deal o' farmin' an' sech, an' they took to trappin' same as you understand it.

"'No, I says, 'she hain't ben fust rate fer a spell back, but I couldn't git nothin' out of her what was the matter, an' don't know what pertic'ler thing ails her now, unless it's that dum'd bunnit, I says. "At that the doctor laughed a little, kind as if he couldn't help it.

I axed pertic'ler. This gray car brought a gentleman, a small, youngish man, 'oo skipped up the Embassy steps like a lamplighter, and went in afore you could s'y 'knife. Somebody might ha' bin watchin' for him through the keyhole, the door was opened that quick. Then the car went off. My friend wouldn't ha' given a second thought to it if the gentleman hadn't vanished like a jack-in-the-box.

"Was you cal'latin' to have it renewed?" asked David, leaning a little forward. "No," said the man coolly, "I don't know 's I want to renew it fer any pertic'ler time, an' I guess it c'n run along fer a while jest as 't is." John looked at Dick Larrabee. He was watching David's face with an expression of the utmost enjoyment.

Don't ye worry. What ye both need is a good sleep, so I'm goin' to ask you, Miss, to take my bunk over yon in the corner. I guess ye'll find everythin' in good shape, fer my wife's a most pertic'ler woman an' has trained me right." Jean was only too glad to accept the offer. She was weary to the point of exhaustion, and her head ached.

I had the morgidge made one day after date, 'cause, as I said to her, it was in the nature of a temp'rary loan, but she was so tickled she'd have signed most anythin' at that pertic'ler time. 'Now, I says to her, 'you go an' settle with old Step-an'-fetch-it, but don't you say a word where you got the money, I says.

And they all had them easy-going, wait-a-bit kind of voices, and didn't see no pertic'ler importance in their "r's." It wasn't that you could spell it no different when they talked, but it sounded different. I eat my breakfast with the old gentleman, and then I took a sleep until time fur dinner. They wouldn't hear of me leaving that night.

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