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Updated: August 28, 2024

O ye who have experienced the stings Of love, excuse me now and blame me not In this affair. I know that I shall die, O'ercome by woe. The doctor of my heart Protracts my suffering. He cures me not, Nor yet cuts short the thread of my sad life. Where is thy cure, O Taleb? Tell me where. Thy remedy is lost, O good Lord Taleb.

He never, to be sure, ran himself into a passion, but then he continued to speak and argue so long in reply, never heeding the most rational things of his adversaries, that he was sure to put every other person in a rage; in addition to all which, he was likewise a sorrowful body in never being able to understand how a determination by vote ought to and did put an end to every questionable proceeding; so that he was, for a constancy, ever harping about the last subject discussed, as if it had not been decided, until a new difference of opinion arose, and necessitated him to change the burden and o'ercome of his wearysome speeches.

And then, not waiting to hear any objections, he began: The stars are bright to-night; They surely are a sight, Sendin' their flickerin' light From an awful, unknown height. Why do they shine so bright? I'm most o'ercome with fright "Of course I reely wasn't scared," he offered with a deprecatory smile, "but there wasn't any other word that I could think of just then an' so I shoved her in.

Blast of the tempest it aids our oars; Rolling of thunder it hurts us not; Rush of the hurricane bending its neck To speed us whither our wills are bent, we realize that these sea rovers had the spirit of kinship with the mighty life of nature; and kinship with nature invariably expresses itself in poetry. Again, when we read, Now hath the man O'ercome his troubles.

"I seek no ransom of thee, messire," answered Beltane, "and for my company 'tis here." "Here? I see but three sorry knaves!" "Yet with these same three did I o'ercome thy foresters, Sir Pertolepe." "Rogue, thou liest 'tis thing impossible!"

"My master awaits a flower in truth, being even now o'ercome in sleep in the waiting, but the flower will show a warrant the which will pass her through this door of which I am the guardian. By Allah! it is not opened at the tapping of every chance weed which the wind of poverty may cause to flutter across this path!"

The tale of this pious and resigned spirit dwelt in mine ear, and, when I went home, Mrs Balwhidder thought that I had met with an o'ercome, and was very uneasy; so she got the tea soon ready to make me better; but scarcely had we tasted the first cup when a loud lamentation was heard in the kitchen. This was from that tawpy the wife of Thomas Wilson, with her three weans.

"Show but the way, And thou shalt see what one man can perform, With power derived from God! Lead on, with speed, To royal Káús." With obedient haste Aúlád proceeded, Rustem following fast, Mounted on Rakush. Neither dismal night Nor joyous day they rested on they went Until at length they reached the fatal field, Where Káús was o'ercome.

Like the doves do I moan, I am o'ercome with sighing, With lamentation and groaning my spirit is downcast. His prayer is that his trespasses may be forgiven: 'Rend my sins, like a garment! My God, my sins are unto seven times seven. Forgive my iniquities. And his hope is in God: 'Oh, Lord, thy servant, cast him not away, The sins which I have committed, transform by thy grace!

There I shall sit, and at my side shall be the loveliest woman in the empire, while all the universe applauds the achievements of a god! And though the tempest roar round me, its rage shall be extinguished 'neath my feet, and sounds of music shall o'ercome the clamor of the waves! What didst thou say? Vindex revolts, my legions fly, my women flee in terror?

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