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'It shall mak noa difference to tha, a tell tha, he cried hastily, putting up his hand, fearing he knew not what, 'nobbut a few shillins ony way. I'll work for tha an mak it up. She made a sound which turned him cold with terror a sound of baffled weakness, pain, vindictive passion all in one then she fell helplessly to one side in her chair, and her grey head dropped on her shoulder.

I would not give you a penny, she said, smiling; 'don't think there's any of it for you. 'Well, wench! I can nobbut say, Bless yo'! and bless yo'! and amen. 'A dull rotation, never at a stay, Yesterday's face twin image of to-day. COWPER. 'Of what each one should be, he sees the form and rule, And till he reach to that, his joy can ne'er be full. RUCKERT.

The girl continued to stir the pot, and then said without looking up, but as if also continuing a train of aggressive thoughts with her occupation: "Eay, but 'e's so set oop in 'issen 'ee doan't take orders from nobbut leastways doctor. Moinds 'em now moor nor a floy. Says 'ee knaws there nowt wrong wi' 'is 'eart. Mout be roight how'siver, sarten sewer, 'is 'EAD'S a' in a muddle!

It certainly did not seem to come amiss to Robert, who grew quite jovial as he scraped the basin, and commiserated "owd Martin Tyrer, yon," with genuine sympathy. "Poor owd lad! To think of his being laid up just when Club Day cooms! Eh, he will be takken to. Ye mind how he allus got agate o' boastin' about bein' th' owdest member o' th' Club? an' he nobbut seventy!

'Wal, now, I'm real glad to heer yo say sich things, Davy, lad, said Reuben, with a curious flutter of manner. 'I'm real glad. So yo take to the farmin, Davy? Wal, it's nateral. All yor forbears all on em leastways, nobbut yor feyther got their livin off t' land. It cooms nateral to a Grieve. The boy made no answer did not commit himself in any way. He went on absently throwing stones.

"An' Ah divn't see thot a mon is i' fettle for gooin' on to live; an' Ah divn't see thot there is owt for t' livin' for. Hear now, lads! Ah'm tired tired. There's nobbut watter i' ma bones, Let me die!" The hollow of the arch gave back Learoyd's broken whisper in a bass boom.

At first he remained silent, but after a few moments his blue eyes began to twinkle like stars in the firmament, and then, slapping his knees with both hands, he broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "Ay, ay," he said, "I know all about Throp's wife. Shoo lived at Cohen-eead, an' my mother telled me t' tale when I were nobbut a barn."

'Fro Masholme, he said, looking at her full, so that she could see all the dark, richly coloured face she had had a curiosity to see; then he added abruptly, 'We're bound Kinder way wi t' sheep reet t'other side o' t' Scout. The woman nodded. 'Aye, I know a good mony o' your Kinder foak. They've coom by here a mony year passt. But I doan't know as I've seen yo afoor. Yo're nobbut a yoong 'un.

But his misery only seemed to goad Bessie to fresh fury. She turned upon him, arms akimbo. 'Oh! an of course it must be me as robs yer! It couldn't be nobody else, could it? There isn't tramps an thieves, an rogues 'undreds of 'em going about o' nights? Nary one, I believe yer! There isn't another thief in Clinton Magna, nobbut Bessie Costrell, is ther?