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Updated: August 21, 2024

And I knowin' we wuz three to one and if he wuz leadin' us off into a trap to git Josiah's money we could overpower him, I wunked for Josiah to keep still, but he wouldn't, but kep' on mutterin' whilst the man led us down two more flights, and into some quite good rooms, only if you'll believe it there wuz a tree growin' right up through our room as big as Josiah's waist.

Two an' twenty glasses, they say, was his quantum' between noon an' nine o'clock; an' then he'd climb into saddle an' ride home to his jewelled four-poster, cursin' an' mutterin', but sittin' his mare like a man of iron. "But one o' these fine market-days he did a thing that filled the mouths o' the country-side.

Mutterin' a brief a verra brief prayer that the Hoons would be strafed, he climbt an' climbt till he could 'a' strook a match on the moon. After him wi' set lips an' flashin' een came the bluidy-minded ravagers of Belgium, Serbia an' A'm afreed Roomania. Theer bullets whistled aboot his lugs but, "His eyes were bricht, His hairt were licht, For Tam the Scoot was fu' o' ficht

She looked pale enough, 'n' I heard her mutterin' somethin' or other about the Blessed Virgin. If it had n't been for the double doors to that chamber of his, I'd have had a squint inside before this; but, somehow or other, it never seems to happen that they're both open at once. What do you think he employs himself about? said I. The young man John winked.

An' I sthud there, an' waited f'r him while he crawled wan block over th' ice, mutterin' prayers at ivry fut. "I wint home with him aftherwards; an' what d'ye think he said? 'Martin, says he, 'I've been a sinful man in me time; but I niver had th' like iv that f'r a pinance, he says. 'Think iv doin' th' stations iv th' cross on th' ice, he says.

She looked pale enough, 'n' I heard her mutterin' somethin' or other about the Blessed Virgin. If it had n't been for the double doors to that chamber of his, I'd have had a squint inside before this; but, somehow or other, it never seems to happen that they're both open at once. What do you think he employs himself about? said I. The young man John winked.

He were mutterin' all sorts of things; but I didn't take much notice o' that, because that's what he allus did when he went to sleep in his chair. However, I did notice that he kep' mutterin' something about a dog.

Ketury understood English, and could talk it well enough, but always seemed to scorn it, and was allers mo win' and mutterin' to herself in Indian, and winkin' and blinkin' as if she saw more-folks round than you did, so that she wa'n't no way pleasant company; and yet everybody took good care to be polite to her.

Layin' the blame onto the wimmen, jest as men do from Adam and Alpha to Omega." Sez Josiah, "We'll walk out, Tommy, and see how it looks on the outside." But Arvilly kept mutterin' and kinder scoldin' about it long after they had departed. "Why didn't Adam take the apple away from her and throw it away? He hankered after it jest as much as she did, that's why.

Bein naturally o' a very placable disposition, I didna say much in reply to this harangue; but, mutterin something aboot there bein nae help for't, rushed oot o' the hoose, an' down the confounded lang close, as fast as my legs could carry me, and that was pretty fast; but no fast aneuch to catch the coach. It was aff an' awa, mony a lang minute afore.

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