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That's what makes me wonder why the Anzacs, when they reach home, don't have a word to say themselves aboot the troubles that the union leaders would seem to be gaein' to bring aboot. We're in a ficht still, even though peace has come. We're in a ficht wi' poverty, and disease, and all the other menaces that still threaten our civilization. We'll beat them, as we ha' beaten the other enemies.

"A' thocht for aboot three seconds he was acceptin' the challenge o' the Glasca' Ganymede A'm no' so sure o' Ganymede; A' got him oot of the sairculatin' library an' he was verra dull except the bit wheer he went oop in the air on the back of an eagle an' dropped his whustle. But MacMuller wasn't so full o' ficht as a' that." He walked away, but stopped and came back. "A'm a Wee Kirker," he said.

Tam with a little leap of heart recognized in the distance a familiar triangular field of unsullied snow, searched for and found the rectangular block of tiny huts which formed No. 131 General Hospital and turned out of the line with a wild sense of exhilaration. "She'll no' see me eat," he said, "but she shall see a graund ficht."

So spak the knicht; the geaunt sed, Lend forth with the the sely maid, And mak me quile of the and sche; For glaunsing ee, or brow so brent, Or cheek with rose and lilye blent, Me lists not ficht with the. The tower, before which the party now stood, was a small square building, of the most gloomy aspect.

She saw, when the Hun was in Paris, wi' his hand at her throat and his heel pressed doon upon her, that he meant to dominate all Europe, and, if he could, all the world. She begged for help not for her sake alone, but for humanity. Humanity refused. And humanity paid for its refusal. And there were other things that were wrang wi' Britain. Our cause was holy, once we began to ficht.

Labor in Britain took its place on the firing line, like the laddies that went oot there to ficht. Mind you, I'm saying no word against a man because he stayed at hame and didna ficht. There were reasons to mak' it richt for many a man tae do that. I've no sympathy wi' those who went aboot giving a white feather to every young man they saw who was no in uniform.

"You got back all right, anyhow," said Blackie. "Aloon i' the vast an' silent spaces of the vaulted heavens," said Tam in his sing-song tones which invariably accompanied his narratives, "the Young Avenger of the Cloods, Tam the Scoot, focht his ficht. Attacked by owerwhelmin' foorces, shot at afore an' behint, the noble laddie didna lose his nairve.

Mutterin' a brief a verra brief prayer that the Hoons would be strafed, he climbt an' climbt till he could 'a' strook a match on the moon. After him wi' set lips an' flashin' een came the bluidy-minded ravagers of Belgium, Serbia an' A'm afreed Roomania. Theer bullets whistled aboot his lugs but, "His eyes were bricht, His hairt were licht, For Tam the Scoot was fu' o' ficht

But Tam the Tempest is no' bothered. Cal-lm an' a'most majeestic in his sang-frow a French expression he leps gaily to the fray an' here A' am!" "But, Tam," protested Galbraith, "that's a rotten story. What happened after the lep did you get up to him?" "A' didna lep oop," said Tam gravely; "A' lep doon it wis no' the time to ficht it wis the time to flee an' A'm a fleein' mon."

That didna come until much later. Sae, at the very start, a' our best went forth to ficht and dee. Thousands hundreds of thousands millions of them. And sae I come to those wha were left. It's sair I am to say it.