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We mix de charm at midnight, wid de great Obi 'pearin' to us all de time in de smoke dat rises from de kettle, an de secret words all de time a mutterin'; and de charm works, an kills or cures 'way off hunerds of miles, 'cordin' as we want um for our friens or our enemies. Does you hear, honey?"

"You had ought to let me see the pore gentleman!" he added ingratiatingly. "Well, ain't you been seein' him every day fo' risin' two weeks and upwards? ain't you sat by him hours at a stretch?" demanded Mr. Cavendish fiercely. Sho that didn't count, he only kept a mutterin' sho! arollin' his head sideways, sho! And their six tow heads were rolled to illustrate their meaning.

"Come quick he's mutterin' and mumblin' and moving his head!" he cried. It was as the child said. Yancy had roused from his heavy stupor. Words almost inaudible and quite inarticulate were issuing from his lips and there was a restless movement of his head on the pillow. "He 'pears powerful distressed about something," said Mrs. Cavendish. "I reckon I'd better give him a little stimulant now."

There was a look o' witherin' reproach in my mother-in-law's een, and I heard her mutterin' between her teeth, 'I aye said what his three tumblers wad come to. But my dear Jeannie bore it like a Christian, as she is.

And I spoze Sister Sypher wuz skairt almost into fits to hear Arvilly go on, 'tennyrate she left her sudden and to once, and started home 'cross lots almost on the run, and Arvilly come into the house talkin' and mutterin'.

"Acts like it's going to be a bad one," Old Heck observed, studying the cloud they all were watching. "Wicked," Skinny said, "one of them mutterin' kind until it breaks and then all hell tears loose." "If th' Ramblin' Kid is out in the sand-hills to-night he'll "

And then I made some more real low bows and Josiah did, bein' wunk at by me, and we withdrawed ourselves from the Presence. But Josiah, always overdoin' things, takin' out his bandanna and a-wavin' it towards her as he bowed most to the ground. But what wuz my surprise as we walked away kinder backward, Josiah mutterin' to me that he should fall flat if he backed off much furder!

I reckon that coon was astonished when our eyes met, for with a sort of scream he let right loose, and dropped twenty feet to the ground like a clod, and the way he waddled away into the brash, mutterin' and talkin' to himself, was a thing to laugh at.

But Josiah and I went home and both on us used some anarky on our tired limbs, and he cleaned the mud offen our shoes, for truly it wuz faithful and stuck by us. It had rained the night before and that made it dretful muddy, Josiah acted real grouty about it and sot there mutterin' and complainin' about the mud till I got kinder wore out and sez: "For mercy sake!