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"Then come another gust, a blindin', blindin', blindin'. 'He'll weather it! He'll weather it! George Olver kep' a mutterin', but his teeth was set; his eyes shot through me like a tiger's them two was brothers, and more'n brothers, always.

One rainy night he was kilt in a saloon down in 'Natchez Under de Hill. De Injuns went wild wid rage an' grief. Dey sung an' wailed an' done a heap o' low mutterin'. De sheriff kep' a steady watch on' em, 'cause he was afeared dey would do somethin' rash. After a long time he kinda let up in his vig'lance. I 'members dat well. "As I said b'fore, I growed up in de quarters.

"Wa'al, he'd wake up in the night screamin', 'I'm fallin', I'm fallin', and no one wanted to have a ha'nted teacher in the house. An' Blacky Baldwin, he jes' hung aroun' the school, and we-all would see him every day, mutterin' an' laughin' to himself. Then, suddintly, Teacheh disappeared, an' though we hunted fo' him everywhar, he wasn' found.

Open the door, as I tell you, and see what it is. So I opens the door; and, of course, there were no sign of a dog. 'Are you satisfied now? I sez. 'I can't make it out, he sez; 'it's something funny. I'd take my dyin' oath as there were a dog scratchin'. But maybe as I'll go to sleep now. So he shuts his eyes, and were soon off, mutterin' as before.

The black man thinks his sweetheart is business enough, long as she likes him. He works fur her, to love her, not to be makin' a fool of her, and put his own head full of hambition, as dey calls it. You couldn't git along wid one o' dem pale, mutterin' white men, Virgie. Now, Roxy's white man, he's most as keerless as a nigger; he kin't do nothin' but make love, nohow.

I seen her grin eloquent at Lawler, an' look him straight in the eye like she was tellin' him somethin' intimate. "Well, as I was sayin', Lawler an' his boys got off with Blondy Antrim. Antrim looks wild an' flighty like you've seen a locoed steer on the prod. His eyes was a-glarin' an' he was mutterin' cusses by the mouthful. All of which didn't seem to faze Lawler none.

"But Cap'n Eb he was a putty brave man, and he wa'n't goin' to have conversation stopped by no woman, witch or no witch; and so, when he see her mutterin', and lookin' up chimbley, he spoke up, and says he, 'Well, Ketury, what do you see? says he. 'Come, out with it; don't keep it to yourself. Ye see Cap'n Eb was a hearty fellow, and then he was a leetle warmed up with the toddy.

Fenley was dead, but didn't appear so greatly upset. She was more puzzled-like kep' on mutterin': 'Who did it? Who could have the cool darin' to shoot him dead in broad daylight, at his own door, before his servants? She was sort of forcin' herself to think, to find out, just as if it was a riddle, an' the right answer was on the tip of her tongue.

'That's queer, thought I; but maybe the Early and Late's light reminded Dog Mitchell of his, for a few minutes later he fetched it up and made it fast, takin' an uncommon long time over the job and mutterin' to himself all the while.

"He's a-talkin', ain't he?" "Jest mutterin'," said Parloe, who was at Tom's head. "'Tain't nothi But Ruth heard the murmur of the unconscious boy, and the words startled her. They were: "It was Jabe Potter he did it! It was Jabe Potter he did it!" What did they mean? Or, was there no meaning at all to the muttering of the wounded boy?