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I went thither, but he is not come yet, so I to White Hall to look for him, and up and down walking there I met with Sir Robert Holmes, who asking news I told him of Sir W. Pen's going from us, who ketched at it so as that my heart misgives me that he will have a mind to it, which made me heartily sorry for my words, but he invited me and would have me go to dine with him at the Treasurer's, Sir Thomas Clifford, where I did go and eat some oysters; which while we were at, in comes my Lord Keeper and much company; and so I thought it best to withdraw.

"I hope the oracle has not been traducing me?" "I have had no premonitions lately: when I was suffering I could think of nothing. But you have been so kind it seems impossible you should bring me harm." "I would not for the world," he broke in earnestly. "I am drifting blindly, and my mind misgives me that all is not right. I may be walking toward danger unaware.

Sometimes me mind misgives me, to think of her tied to an old stump of a tree like me! But maybe she's right maybe I'm to recover me powers and be of use." To this Alice could only reply, as comfortingly as she could: "You've given her a good deal, Captain." "So I have, but I mean to give more. As soon as I'm able to travel we're going down the hill to see the world.

"I heard at the prison that the murderer, Merton, was fast dying, and now is in an unconscious state; and from the physician, that you had seen him, at his urgent entreaty, last night. My mind misgives me, sir, I fear I know not what. I long, yet dread, to hear the wretched man's confession. For God's sake tell me, does it implicate anybody else in the guilt?"

Sir, As often as I think of writing to you, which has been three or four times every week these six months, it gives me something so like the idea of an ordinary-sized statue offering at a conversation with the Rhodian Colossus, that my mind misgives me, and the affair always miscarries somewhere between purpose and resolve.

Will they accept it? ... Yesterday I saw a Schiah and a Sunite meet, and the old hate darkened their faces as they looked at each other. Between them there is only a feud of Islamites; how much greater is their feud with Christians? How immeasurably greater the feud between Christian and Jew? ... My heart misgives me! Lord! Can it be I am but cherishing a dream?"

Hirzel said "Good night" to Charlie, and moved off discreetly, leaving his sister to follow. "Don't forget Wednesday night, Marguerite; I shall look for your signal about eight, and if all's well, I'll be round by nine. I will get leave to stay out later than usual that night." "Well, Charlie, I won't prevent your coming this once, but my heart sadly misgives me.

"By the great horn spoon, yer've got it, my boy!" roared the captain. "And now yer come ter speak uv it, my mind misgives me that all ain 't right at the island. I didn't tell yer, but I left a tidy sum uv money in that old iron safe off the Sarah Jane, the last ship I commanded, and all this what's puzzled us so may be part uv some thievish scheme.

"But I won't go out to-morrow till the post has come in; for my mind couldn't enjoy the sport till I was satisfied whether the answer could come about your commission, Harry: my mind misgives me that is, my calculation tells me, that it will come to-morrow."

Did you not note, Alleyne, that the Lady Tiphaine did give us warning last night that danger was coming upon us?" "She did, my lord." "By Saint Paul! my mind misgives me as to what she saw at Twynham Castle. And yet I cannot think that any Scottish or French rovers could land in such force as to beleaguer the fortalice.