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At last she tore open the envelope, spread out the sheet, and with burning cheeks and fast beating heart, read: "My dear little daughter; my heart misgives me that there is something very much amiss with you. Not sickness, for your mamma, Max, and Gracie all make casual mention of you, and say directly that you are well; yet I have not seen a stroke of your pen for three months or more.

Sir, Being now come into the Land of Beulah; here, whence I cannot so much as see Doubting Castle; here, where I am solaced with the sound of voices from the City, my mind, that is now more at peace about mine own salvation, misgives me sore about thine.

But something in the brutal violence of his behaviour seemed to kindle for the moment a spark of manly feeling, if such there were, in the breasts of his companions. "Wynchgate," cried young Lord Dogwood, "my mind misgives me. I doubt if this is a gentlemanly thing to do. I'll have no further hand in it." A chorus of approval from his companions endorsed his utterance. For a moment they hesitated.

His heart misgives him to think of the rheumatism that must befall in such a way of living; and his grave sense of civilization, bourgeois in the humane and noble way that is his own, restores her after death to the company of man, to the "holy bell," which Shakespeare's Duke remembered in banishment, and to the congregation and their "Christian psalm."

Rupert said, calmly and respectfully, "that you should marry Sir William Brownlow is a matter as to which, alas! I have no right to say aught. I trust that the marriage will bring you happiness, although my mind sorely misgives me as to whether it will be so. As to myself, I decline Sir William's offer of protection. It is enough for me that my fathers have for generations owned Windthorpe Chace.

So soon as Philip was in bed, Amine went downstairs, and was met by her father, who put a powder into her hands to give to her husband, and then left the parlour. "God forgive me if I wrong my father," thought Amine; "but I have my doubts. Philip is ill, more so than he will acknowledge; and if he does not take some remedies, he may be worse but my heart misgives me I have a foreboding.

Am I permitted once to kiss that fair and holy hand, as I resign my presumptuous hopes thereof? 'Mayhap it were wiser left undone, said Esclairmonde. 'My mind misgives me that this meeting is planned to bring us into trouble. Farewell, my lord.

Her agitation was contagious, and I waited in silent trepidation to learn the mystery of her emotion. "'Forgave me this intrusion, said she, in hesitating accents; 'you look so young, so innocent, so lovely, my heart misgives me. I cannot, I dare not. "She spoke in French, a language of which I was mistress, and I recognized at once the land of her birth.

Almost before he knew what he was saying Mark was quoting from Romeo and Juliet: My mind misgives Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night's revels.

Let me hear you say again that you are happy here, and will never desert us; for when I see that sorrowful look in your dear eyes, and remember all you have lost, and still are losing, to live in a wilderness with wild and savage men, my heart misgives me; and I feel that you were never made for such a life, and that your love is far too precious to be given for ever to an Indian girl.