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"We had all this out," he said, "on the way here from the station. What's the good of going over the ground again?" "You're quite right," said Arnold, good-humoredly. "The fact is I'm out of sorts, this morning. My mind misgives me I don't know why." "Mind?" repeated Geoffrey, in high contempt. "It's flesh that's what's the matter with you. You're nigh on a stone over your right weight.

"Has she not spoken?" "Not a word. My mind misgives me that something very dreadful must have happened to her." "And that odd noise!" "Still goes on. Somehow, it curdles the very blood in my veins to hear it."

"My heart misgives me," she murmured in the tragic accents she so loved to assume, one evening as she pinned on her cheap and showy lace hat and adjusted its wealth of flowers, preparatory to starting to the Garden Opera House, "my heart misgives me. It seems to me it is our duty, Mary, to do something about this, to report it somehow, somewhere" she ended vaguely.

Sharp looked anxiously in the place where Tina kept her hat and cloak; they were not there, so that she had had at least the presence of mind to put them on. Still the good woman felt greatly alarmed, and hastened away to tell Mr. Gilfil, who, she knew, was in his study. 'Mr. Gilfil, she said, as soon as she had closed the door behind her, 'my mind misgives me dreadful about Miss Sarti.

My heart, in short, misgives me less, when I resolve this way, than when I think of the other: and in so strong and involuntary a bias, the heart is, as I may say, conscience.

"My mind misgives me, Dick!" said the Bishop, a day or two later, as Dick joined him and his sister and Rachel at luncheon at the Palace. "I am convinced that you have been up to some mischief." "I have just returned from Warpington, my lord. I understood it was your wish I should ride over and tell them Hester was better." "It certainly was my wish. I'm very much obliged to you.

"Pandulfo," said he, in the same tone, "my heart misgives me the brood of serpents are in my hand I do not strangle them they may sting me to death, in return for my mercy it is their instinct!

"My mind misgives me," said Sir Launcelot, "but that trouble shall come of Sir Mordred, for he is envious and a mischief-maker, and it grieves me that never more I may serve Sir Arthur and his realm." So Sir Launcelot sorrowed; but his kinsmen were wroth for the dishonour done him, and making haste to depart, by the fifteenth day they were all embarked to sail overseas to France.

Nothing but my influence and that of Virrius and the Ninii have persuaded him to forego his purpose for the time; and that, only, by pleading the joy of this day, and that it should be given to nothing save festivity and feasting. Truly, my mind misgives me. Still, they have sworn that no Carthaginian shall have any power over a Campanian, and was not that a noise in the portico?"

Roland Graeme," said Mary, in a tone of deep despondency, "be true to me many have been false to me. Alas! I have not always been true to myself. My mind misgives me that I shall die in bondage, and that this bold attempt will cost all our lives.