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"Well, Isabel," said the duke, "thou knowest I have delayed this till the last hour to please thee; for verily, lady mine, thy will is my sweetest law. But now, if thy heart misgives thee " "It does, it does!" exclaimed the duchess, bursting into tears. "If thy heart misgives thee," continued Clarence, who with all his weakness had much of the duplicity of his brothers, "why, let it pass.

To return to our own Boy who, my heart misgives me, lifted up his voice and wept sore last night upon discovering that the hard-won beans and scarlet-speckled apples were left behind his loving mother has hung his nursery walls with good engravings and artistically-colored pictures, in the conviction that a child's taste for art is formed early and for long.

Who knows," he went on sadly, "but that save you two I am now alone in the world! My heart misgives me sorely as to the fate of Marion; and were it not for the sake of Scotland, to whom my life is sworn, I would that I had stopped and died outside her door before I entered and brought danger upon her head.

Then the old man saw that the tears were running down from the raven's eyes, and he held his hand. "What strange thing is this?" he said. "Surely nothing but the living soul weeps; and how, then, can this bird shed tears?" So he took the raven up and looked into his eyes, and in them he saw the prince's soul. "Alas!" he cried, "my heart misgives me that something strange has happened.

It was now resolved that they should proceed along the coast and examine every creek and bay for traces of the lost vessel. "O Bolton! my heart misgives me," said Fred, as they drove along; "I fear that they have all perished." "Niver a bit, sir," said O'Riley, in a sympathizing tone; "yon chap must have died and been buried here be the crew as they wint past."

Brilliana stiffened with the start. "What was that?" "It seemed a pistol-shot in the garden," Evander answered. "Who should fire now?" "I will go see," Evander said, turning towards the open space. Brilliana restrained him. "Oh no, dear love, my heart misgives; there may be danger." Evander gently released himself. "And when are you or I afraid of danger?" Brilliana accepted this.

"There's something wrong; he's not true. There will be something wrong; I have a dreadful terror here at my heart. What will he be wanting at all events with that King's ship? What will this word be saying?" And she held the letter forth. "My mind misgives me, it will be some ill to Alan. Open it, Davie open it and see." I took it, and looked at it, and shook my head.

His heart misgives him to think of the rheumatism that must befall in such a way of living; and his grave sense of civilization, bourgeois in the humane and noble way that is his own, restores her after death to the company of man, to the "holy bell," which Shakespeare's Duke remembered in banishment, and to the congregation and their "Christian psalm."

George has been muttering, in his doze, about the man you saw there, who, he fears, will kill himself." "Better he should do it, than come near me!" "He says, in his wandering, that you know him; that he was your friend once, long ago; that he is the ruined father of a student here my mind misgives me, of the young gentleman who has been ill. What is to be done? How is he to be followed?

She gazed up at him for a moment, her hand motionless in his, while neither stirred. "My heart misgives me!" she said then. "Words are so easily said they are often spoken idly pour passer le temps and soon forgotten. Ah! Sir Paul! forgive me, I beg of you if I was mad once. I promise myself it shall never happen again. It was unfortunate but there are things one cannot explain."