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"I bet if I owned her I'd dig up enough business in Brazil and the Argentine to keep her busy. I'd be dodging backward and forward through the Canal." "You would, of course," Jerry answered placidly; "but the Oriental Steamship Company cannot." "Why?" "Fifty-one per cent. of their stock is owned by a railroad and under the law no railroad-owned ship may use the Canal." Matt's eyebrows arched.

Say, Mister, did you ever see a hant?" The gentleman did not understand. "A hant, a ghost, some calls 'em," explained Jed. "Bud Wilson he sure seed old Matt's " The other interrupted. "Really, young man, I must go. It is already late, and you know I have yet to find a place to stay for the night." "Law, that's alright, Mister!" replied Jed. "Ain't no call t' worry. Stay anywhere.

Ollie's objection to their calling at the mill, his evident embarrassment at the meeting, and something in Young Matt's voice that hinted at a double meaning in his simple words, all told her that there was something beneath the surface which she did not understand.

Of course the boy's dead, and I killed him; but Florry well, she took a trip on the Retriever and knows how safe she is, and I've had a lot of old sailing skippers down to visit me, and primed them to tell her just how they would get away with such a proposition as Matt's and how easy it would be. Besides, she knows Matt had some plague prophylactic aboard "

"Well, I've got to be movin' along. I'm on the coroner's jury too, and we're goin' up to Matt's right away to view the remains. The verdict will probable be: 'Come to his death on account of Moll Hawk's self-defense, or somethin' like that. 'Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day, as the sayin' goes. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if he was buried before three o'clock to-day.

"I inferred that from your peasant garb," said Wade, with a smile at the rough farm suit Matt had on: his face refined it and made it look mildly improbable. "Besides," said Wade, as if the notion he recurred to were immediately relevant to Matt's dress, "unless you are perfectly sure of yourself beyond any chance of change, you owe it to her as well as yourself, to take time before speaking."

"But I might as well be prepared." Wonderingly, Jim and Dennis saw that he was intently searching every square inch of the pedestal flooring. Then they saw him crawl, like a stalking cat, toward a portion near the center saw him clap the tumbler, upside down, over some unseen thing.... "Got him!" came Matt's deep, fuzzy voice. "And he isn't dead, either. Not by a long way!

"Can't consider that at all when raising salaries. The salaries of ship's officers are fixed and immutable anyhow, and when considering raises for my employees. I can take into consideration only the length of time they've been directly under my eye. Cut Matt's salary to five thousand a year and let him grow up with the business.

And everything was in vain; on the heavenly record of the Bridge Farmer that lightning-rod oath was still written down, but there wasn't an ink-spot on the credit side. For after all, nobody could suppose that our Lord God would let Matt's scholarly training be set down as anything to the good.

The gossips at South Hatboro' say that Miss Suzette was willing to be on with young Wilmington again, and that she kept the family here. But I place no faith in such a conjecture." "It has a rustic crudity," said Matt. "But if Jack Wilmington ever cared anything for the girl, now's his chance to be a man and stand by her." Something in Matt's tone made Wade stop and ask, "What do you mean, Matt?