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Updated: August 3, 2024

Perhaps the Inhabitants here are not above a Tenth Part of the Whole; yet as they are better fed, and cloth'd, and lodg'd, than her other Subjects, the Customs and Excises upon their Consumption, the Imposts upon their Houses, and other Taxes, do very probably make a fifth Part of the whole Revenue of the Crown.

I am not prone to weeping as our sex Commonly are; the want of which vain dew Perchance shall dry your pities; but I have That honourable grief lodg'd here, which burns Worse than tears drown.

Love I have treated as a stranger Guest, Receiv'd him well, not lodg'd him in my Breast. I ne'er durst give the unknown Tyrant room; Lest he should make his resting place his home. Gal. Then thou art happy; but if Erminia fail, I shall not live to reproach her. Am. Nay, Madam, do not think of dying yet: There is a way, if we could think of it. Gal. Aminta, when will thou this Humour lose? Am.

He turn'd to me, and, "Dear child," said he, "I rose to day without consulting my fortune; tho' 'tis confest I seldom appear even on the stage, but such a mobb as this are laughing at me: But that I may not be at difference with you too, I'll tye my self up from this humour of poetry:" "Well, well," said I, "on that condition I sup with you;" upon which, going into the poor cottage I lodg'd at, we order'd the master of it to get us a supper, and in the mean time we went to the bagnio, where I saw Gito standing against the wall, with towels and rubbing brushes in his hand; his troubl'd countenance easily perswaded me he serv'd on compulsion: As soon as he saw me, with joy addressing himself, he told me, that since I was not in that martial posture that once frighted him to belye his affections, he cou'd freely speak to me, upon which he entreated me to pity his circumstances; and, if I cou'd but deliver him from so barbarous a master, since he was now sorry he was forc'd to be my judge, I might take my satisfaction in any punishment I'de please to inflict; "for," added he, "if I must dye, 'twill be comfort enough to so unhappy a wretch to think that you are pleas'd in 't."

I have also seen them in Virginia, and in the Bay of Campeachy; in the latter of which places the Worms eat prodigiously. They are always in Bays, Creeks, Mouths of Rivers, and such places as are near the shore; being never found far out at Sea, that I could ever learn: yet a Ship will bring them lodg'd in its Plank for a great way.

After this I had described the reasonable Soul, and made it appear, that it could no way be drawn from the power of the Matter, as other things whereof I had spoken; but that it ought to have been expresly created: And how it suffiseth not for it to be lodg'd in our humane body as a Pilot in his ship, to move its members onely; but also that its necessary it be joyned and united more strongly therewith to have thoughts and appetites like ours, and so make a reall man.

That a taste for the beauties of Nature was extant at the epoch of which we treat may be inferred from the statement of a writer who commences "An Essay in Praise of the Morning" as follows: "I have the good Fortune to be so pleasantly lodg'd as to have a Prospect of a neighboring Grove, where the Eye receives the most delicious Refreshment from the lively Verdure of the Greens, and the wild Regularity by which the Scene shifts off and disparts itself into a beautiful Chequer."

There are some Anatomical Dissections of Thought, and a Mathematical Description of Nature's strong Box, the Memory, with all its Locks and Keys. There you have that part of the Head turn'd in-side outward, in which Nature has placed the Materials of reflecting; and like a Glass Bee-hive, represents to you all the several Cells in which are lodg'd things past, even back to Infancy and Conception.

And in what capacity soever these Corpuscles of a Liquor come to be Lodg'd or Harbour'd in the Pores that admit them, the Surface of the Body will for the most part have its Asperity alter'd, and the Incident Light that meets with a Grosser Liquor in the little Cavities that before contain'd nothing but Air, or some yet Subtiler Fluid, will have its Beams either Refracted, or Imbib'd, or else Reflected more or less Interruptedly, than they would be, if the Body had been Unmoistned, as we see, that even fair Water falling on white Paper, or Linnen, and divers other Bodies apt to soak it in, will for some such Reasons as those newly mention'd, immediately alter the Colour of them, and for the most part make it Sadder than that of the Unwetted Parts of the same Bodies.

"looking round on every aide, beheld A pathless desert dusk with horrid shades: The way he came not having marked, return Was difficult, by human steps untrod; And he still on was led, but with such thoughts Accompanied of things past and to come Lodg'd in his breast, as well might recommend Such solitude before choicest society." The neighbourhood of this lofty eminence is, according to Mr.

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