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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Consarn them women folks!" he grumbled, depositing the tin cups on the porch. "They locks up an' conceals things most damnable. Ain't a tumbler in th' place." "These yar is all right," assured Lawton consolingly, picking up one of the cups and examining the bottom of it with great care. "I reckon they'll hold the likker, anyhow," agreed Davidson.

Don't you even tetch me; jes' gimme a li'l piller an' lemme go lay down on de flo' somewheres. Atter I drop off t' sleep, you kin tear de house down, and hit don't botha me none. Wen I wakes up, I be all right. "Well, de fust time I come home full o' likker she done ferget w'at I tell her, an' staht shovin' me.

"'Twouldn't be right to burn it, Pap," said Si, who better understood the rigidity of his father's principles. "It'd do a mighty sight o' good somewhere." "The money don't belong at all to that feller," mused the Deacon. "A man can't have no property in likker. It's wet damnation, hell's broth, to nourish murderers, thieves, and paupers.

Seems to me that there can't be no more whisky in this part o' Tennessee, from the quantity we've destroyed." "Don't be too dinged sure o' that," said Shorty. "Whisky seems to brew as naturally in this country as the rosin to run out o' the pine trees. I never saw sich a country fur likker. They have more stills in Tennessee than blacksmith shops, and they work stiddier."

Miller's; he wuz the undertaker. The night wuz powerful dark, 'nd it wuz all the darker to me, because seemed like all the light hed gone out in my life. Down near the bridge I met Bill; he weaved round in the road, for he wuz in likker. "Hello, Mr. Baker," sez he, "whar be you goin' this time o' night?" "Bill," sez I, "I'm goin' on the saddest errand uv my life."

'Ere, Watts, you know the tang of every kind o' likker 'ave a sup?" "Not me!" said Watts. "I don't like the look of it. First time I've ever seen red ink on tap. For the rest of this trip I stick to bottled beer, or somethink with a label." "It smells like an infusion of permanganate of potash," volunteered Hozier. "Does it?" growled Coke, who seemed to be greatly annoyed.

With your permission I will await your pleasure, suh; and your toilet being completed we will freshen the inner man also with a glass or two of rare good likker." I gazed about, sickened.

The feller that drinks likker, and especially Tennessee rotgut." "O, come off; stop that dinged preaching, Shorty," said one impatiently. "There's nobody in this camp that likes whisky better'n you do; there's nobody that'll go further to get it, an' there's nobody up to more tricks to beat the guard." "What I do as a private soldier, Mr.

And without further look at them she went out as unobtrusively as she had entered. Red calmly confiscated her rejected glass of brandy. "Shame to waste good likker, 'specially when it's paid fer. What's yuh ijea, Ken, a plant?" "Damfino! She's all worked up over something, that's sure. Well, it's all in the game."

"I'm too groggy to go on. Hi've been drink-in' a bit too much to 'andle myself wi' a first-class man like yerself. Y've downed me, and y've downed me fair, for Hi'm not the man to whimper about not being fit. There's my hand. We're friends. We'll try hit again some day, when Hi've got the likker out o' me; won't we?" "Certainly, whenever you like," said Shorty, shak ing hands with him.

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