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"Bucked the tiger a leetle, I reckon?" And he leered cunningly. "No; I rarely gamble." "Aw, tell that to the marines." Once more he jovially clapped me. "A young gent like you has to take a fling now and then. Hell, this is Benton, where everything goes and nobody the worse for it. You bet yuh! Trail along with me. Let's likker. Then I'll show you the ropes. I like your style.

But I had sisters oncet white they was, like you. So the eight hunderd mile is light. But thet ain't why I come, neither, or all why, yit." "What is it then you want to tell me? Is it about him?" Bridger nodded. "Yes. The only trouble is, I don't know what it is." "Now you're foolish!" "Shore I am! Ef I had a few drinks o' good likker mebbe I'd be foolisher er wiser.

'Have you found Heathcliff, you ass? interrupted Catherine. 'Have you been looking for him, as I ordered? 'I sud more likker look for th' horse, he replied. 'It 'ud be to more sense. Bud I can look for norther horse nur man of a neeght loike this as black as t' chimbley! und Heathcliff's noan t' chap to coom at my whistle happen he'll be less hard o' hearing wi' ye!

"The best thing you can do is get out of here quick." Rathburn looked pained. "First you ask me to state my business an' now you tell me to get out," he complained. "You might as well know that I never touch likker," he added convincingly. Brown was studying him intently with a puzzled look on his face. "Well," he said finally, with a show of irritation, "what do you want?"

Nothin' tickled the Dock more 'n to worry folks, not in a mean way, but jest to sort uv bother 'em. Used to hang round the post-office 'nd pertend to have fits, sakes alive! but how that scared the wimmin folks. One day who should come along but ol' Sue Perkins; Sue wuz suspicioned uv takin' a nip uv likker on the quiet now 'nd then, but nobody had ever ketched her at it.

It's nacherl, thar warn't room in the cup fer both the likker an' the ball. That's wastin' likker, Jim, an' my mother told me when I was a boy, 'Willful waste makes woeful want!" "I call hit a plum-center shot," grumbled Bridger. "Do-ee look now! Maybe ye think ye kin do better shoot'in yerself than old Jim Bridger!" "Shore I kin, an' I'll show ye!

I ran into evidence that you people had already used the blueprints for breech-loaders and mortars." Jerry Kennedy came to his feet and rambled over to the messroom's bar. "This seems to be all out spat, rather than a conference to compare progress," he said. "Anybody for a drink? Frankly, that's the next thing I'm going to introduce to Genoa, some halfway decent likker.

It's a waste o' likker, Jim, fer we'd both drill the cups." "Are ye a-skeered?" "I told ye not." "Chardon!" roared Bridger to his clerk. "You, Chardon, come here!" The clerk obeyed, though he and others had been discreet about remaining visible as this bout of old-timers at their cups went on. Liquor and gunpowder usually went together. "Chardon, git ye two fresh tin cups an' bring 'em here.