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For fear of poison, Sheldon had immediately scarified the wound and injected permanganate of potash; but in spite of the precaution the shoulder was swelling rapidly. "We'll take him on to where Tudor is lying," Joan said. "The walking will help to keep up his circulation and scatter the poison. Adamu Adam, you take hold that boy. Maybe he will want to sleep. Shake him up. If he sleep he die."

PROCEDURE. Fill a glass-stoppered burette with the permanganate solution, observing the usual precautions, and fill a second burette with the ferrous sulphate solution prepared for use with the potassium bichromate. The permanganate solution cannot be used in burettes with rubber tips, as a reduction takes place upon contact with the rubber.

It was swarming with insect life, but, unheeding such minor details, Mac and Mick soon stripped off their clothes and made the best of it. Next day they came armed with towels, soap and all the permanganate of potash their kits could muster. At the worst this browny-pink pool left them a good deal cleaner and cooler than before, and the two troopers usually came that way once or twice daily.

Then run in the permanganate solution from a pipette or burette to determine roughly the amount required. Strong sulphuric acid also decomposes the oxalic acid. The excess of ferrous iron may also be determined by titration with potassium bichromate, if desired. The chlorine generated by the pyrolusite is passed into a solution of potassium iodide.

A recent article in a stray number of a professional journal picked up in the office of a medical missionary, devoted column after column to the uselessness of all known methods of disinfection. Sulphur, formaldehyde, carbolic acid, permanganate of potash, chloride of lime, bichloride of mercury the author knew not which of these "fetiches" to be most sarcastic about.

The moment an animal is bitten, that moment the wound should be searched for, and when found, should be freely opened with a knife, and lunar caustic, caustic potash, or the permanganate of potash at once applied to all parts of the wound, care being taken not to suffer a single scratch to escape. This, if attended to in time, will save the animal.

With a mixture of permanganate of potash, tea and cold water from the well, if the puddle at the bottom of a deep hole could be so termed, he made a drink that, while drinkable by one who has known worse, was unlikely to cause an attack upon an enfeebled constitution, of cholera, enteric, dysentery or any other of India's specialities.

It is also desirable that a sufficient excess of the acid should be present to react with a considerable volume of the permanganate solution during the titration, thus increasing the accuracy of the process. On the other hand, the excess of oxalic acid should not be so large as to react with more of the permanganate solution than is contained in a 50 cc. burette.

The affected fowls were also treated by dipping the heads in a solution of permanganate of potash. Roup in Turkeys. My turkeys have a disease that is spreading rapidly. They commence with a running at the nose, have swelling under the eyes which are filled with pus. This is clearly a case of cold developing into roup.

A form of mercury, called corrosive sublimate, is a most efficacious and powerful germicide, but is exceedingly poisonous and can be bought only under restrictions. Carbolic acid, chloride of lime, permanganate of potash, and various other preparations made from zinc, iron, and petroleum, are the chemical disinfectants most commonly and successfully used at the present time.