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Updated: July 31, 2024

He scarcely noticed Lenora's deshabille, which was in a measure concealed by the cloak which Quest had thrown around her. "My friend!" he exclaimed "Mr. Quest! It is the devil incarnate against whom we fight!" "What do you mean?" Quest demanded. The Professor wrung his hands. "I put him in our James the Second prison," he declared. "Why should I think of the secret passage?

Let us take a turn through your walks, and afterward we shall have time enough to finish another bottle." As he said this he passed Lenora's arm within his own, and, casting a coquettish glance at Gustave, began their promenade. By degrees De Vlierbeck rallied sufficiently to take part in the chat; and gardening, agriculture, sporting, and a hundred different country topics, were fully discussed.

The rustics, who had rarely enjoyed an opportunity of seeing her so closely or of enjoying a familiar conversation with the beauty, were of course delighted with her gay and affable manners; nor could they avoid expressing their pleasure when a few notes of a popular song happened to drop from Lenora's lips. The servant-maid instantly rose, and whispered, loud enough to be heard by Lenora,

Palace or hovel; riches or poverty, all are equally indifferent to me, provided her presence animates the spot! A night's reflection, Monsieur De Vlierbeck, cannot change my resolution. Grant me Lenora's hand, and I will thank you on my knees for the priceless gift!"

Laura, who had only sipped her cup, threw it from her. She, too, reeled for a moment. The Professor and Quest came running up, attracted by Lenora's shriek. "They're poisoned!" she cried. "The Veedemzoo!" Quest shouted. "My God! Pull yourself together, Laura. Hold up for a minute." He dashed back to their little encampment and reappeared almost immediately.

And you'd better step upstairs to the laboratory and give my compliments to Inspector French, and say that I hope he and Miss Laura will join us at Delmonico's for luncheon at one o'clock." "Very good, sir," the man replied. Lenora's face was suddenly transformed. She passed her arm through Quest's. He stooped and kissed her as he led her towards the door.

Lenora's voice suddenly grew steady. She turned round in her place and faced her companion. "Mr. Quest," she said, "I like my work with you. You saved me from despair. Sometimes it seems to me that life now opens out an entirely new vista. Yet since this matter has been mentioned between us, let me tell you one thing. I have known no rest, night or day, since we heard of of James's escape.

"It's all right, girls. Keep cool," he went on, as he saw the tears in Lenora's eyes. "Come round and see me in the Tombs, one of you." "If I can be of any assistance," the Professor exclaimed, "I trust that you will not fail to call upon me, Mr. Quest. I repeat, Inspector," he added, "I am convinced that you are making a very grave mistake. Mrs. Rheinholdt, you must let me take you home."

It was the first time he had presumed to reprove his stepdaughter, and as there was nothing on earth which Mrs. Hamilton so much feared as Lenora's tongue, she dreaded the disclosures which further remark from her husband might call forth. So, assuming an air of great distress, she said, "Leave her to me, my dear.

No one has used it for a hundred years. He found it, learnt the trick " "You mean," Quest cried "He has escaped!" the Professor broke in. "Craig has escaped again! They are searching for him high and low, but he has gone!" Quest's arm tightened for a moment in Lenora's. It was curious how he seemed to have lost at that moment all sense of proportion.

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