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Maybe it's only a shanty with holes in the roof er, I mean, maybe you'll be disappointed with the lay-out! What's the blithering sense of being in such a consuming fever about moving the fiendish furniture? I'm certain you'll hate the very sight of this corn-crib out among the ant hills.

"It's a nice lay-out," he mused, reading the type-written lines over again, "but the little lady was too fly for you this time, Evan, my boy. She was just prophetess enough to guess where and how you would go off the handle, clever enough to pass me the word to watch the wires after a certain train should get in from Ophir to-day. Great little woman, that.

Then there is another story that he is trying to sell this new invention of his to England and that the German agents are trying to get it away from him before he does. You've just heard what he has to say on that subject, so I seem to have landed on a 'Flivver' all around. "Say, Mr. Edestone, you'll give me the dope on this lay-out won't you, before the other boys get to it?" he wheedled.

You've pluck." "Then you've been talking matters over with Mrs Matheson?" "Certainly. I want to arrive at a final settlement for all of us." "How?" "That's where I want your help. First let me complete my lay-out of the situation.... Matheson is a man of high ideals. But he tangled up his life pretty badly on the night of March 14th, when he tried to cut loose from his old career.

At this ferry a funny incident occurred. I had a sorrel, blazed face mule, and while we were crossing the sheep an old Irishman on his way to Montana with a white pony and a blazed face mule, the very picture of my mule, crossed the river on the ferry. I saw the Irishman's lay-out, but Johnnie Lynch did not see the mule. The next morning I told Johnnie to go out to the herd and bring my mule in.

Si easily divined his thoughts, for something of the same nature had already caused his own heart to palpitate in a reproving way. "Of c-c-course I d-d-don't mean th-th-that. Shorty," he stammered "but she's a nice girl, anyhow, 'n' she's gittin' up a dinner fer me 'n' you. Bet ye it'll be a nice lay-out, too!"

He'll have to go when the fight with the men gets hot enough; but he might hold on too long for our comfort." "Well?" said Flemister again, this time more impatiently, Judson thought. "He queered your lay-out by carefully omitting to come on the passenger, and now you propose to fall back upon Rufford's method. I don't approve."

Ostensibly he conducted a dance hall, and a profitable one at that; but below the dance hall, known only to the initiated, deep down in a sub-cellar, was perhaps the most remunerative gambling joint and pipe lay-out in Crimeland. Jimmie Dale halted before a doorway in the alley. The rear of a low building rose black and unlighted above him.

Green, how do you figure in this here party's fad for getting himself manicured as a part of the lay-out I can see it all but that?" "Here is how I deduced that element of the case," stated Green.

It was as if he were sure of the rightness of his purpose, but needed encouragement in its execution. For the moment the poker game was stopped, a fact which was wholly due to the interest of the steely eyes of Wild Bill. "Layin' off?" inquired the gambler, without a moment's softening. "Guess you're passin' on that mud lay-out of yours," suggested Sandy, with a laugh.