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Updated: August 2, 2024

It was well lighted and ventilated, and every child of whatever age could touch its feet to the floor. If it were in any sense expiatory, it had proven a success, for the palmetto clearing did not haunt the Colonel as it had done on the day of the lawn-party.

She appealed to Sir Patrick, poised easily on his ivory cane, and looking out at the lawn-party, the picture of venerable innocence. "After what I have already told you, Sir Patrick, of Miss Silvester's conduct, may I ask whether you consider that proceeding at all extraordinary?"

He felt in his pocket, and produced a letter the letter which Anne had referred to at the interview between them the letter which she had written to insist on his attending the lawn-party at Windygates. "This will do," he said. "It's one of Anne's own letters to me. There's room on the fourth page. If I write," he added, turning suddenly on Arnold, "you promise to take it to her?

"About ah the down there, you know, at Palm Beach," he stammered, "at that accursed lawn-party " "Yes?" She smiled but her eyes harboured lightning. "It was so hot in Florida you know how infernally hot it was, don't you, Alida?" he asked beseechingly. "I scarcely dared leave the Beach Club." "Well?" "I I thought I'd just m-m-mention it. That's why I didn't call on you I was afraid of sunstroke "

Delamayn went to London on the day of the lawn-party. And Arnold " "And Arnold went with him as far as the second station from this. Quite true! But how was I to know what Mr. Delamayn might have done after Arnold had left him? I could only make sure that he had not gone back privately to the inn, by getting the proof from Mrs. Inchbare." "How did you get it?"

The lawn-party had been a great success, and the Colonel knew he ought to be the happiest man in town, whereas he was the most miserable. He could not hear Mandy Ann's curses as she knelt on her mistress's grave, nor see her dusky arms swaying in the darkness to emphasize her maledictions. He didn't know there was a grave, but something weighed him down with unspeakable remorse.

While sitting there he heard the housemaid's knock at the door, and the strange intelligence that his daughter was with Lady Camper, and had left word that she hoped he would not forget his engagement to go to Mrs. Baerens' lawn-party.

At a lawn-party given for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian Association, in the magnificent old park of the War Department in the heart of Berlin, Prince and Princess William were present.

"Sure enough," said Bob; "mean old things, if they couldn't come, they might at least have sent regrets." "Here are the Stanton girls, anyway," said Patty, as two young ladies came walking towards them. Elsie and Mildred Stanton came up to the group on the veranda with a slightly embarrassed air. "Good-evening," said Mildred; "you look as if you were going to have a lawn-party."

With a little jaunty flourish of the hand, he dusted the stray grains of snuff off his finger and thumb, and looked back again at the lawn-party, and became more absorbed in the diversions of his young friends than ever. Lady Lundie stood her ground, plainly determined to force a serious expression of opinion from her brother-in-law.

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