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The stranger had not awakened to partake of the soup, and his son had fallen asleep on the ground. Taking two white sheepskins from the heap of sacks in the corner, the old man doubled them up, and lifting the boy's head gently from the slate on which it rested, placed the skins beneath it. "Poor lambie, poor lambie!" he said, tenderly patting the great rough bear-like head; "tired is he!"

"Gude save us!" she cried, when she saw Marjory's face; "what's wrang wi' the bairn eyes red and face peekit like a wet hen? Come yer ways in, lambie, an' Lisbeth'll gie ye some nice supper, for nae tea ye've had. But I've got scones just newly bakit, an' I'll mak ye a cup o' fine coffee. Come awa." "Dear old Lisbeth," cried Marjory, "I would kiss you if you weren't so floury.

Mamma had a little lamb, his cheeks were red and rosy. And everywhere that mamma went er everywhere that mamma went " "The lamb was sure to mosey," supplied Weary. "By golly! yuh got that backward," Slim objected. "It ought uh be: Everywhere the lambie went; his mamma was sure to mosey." The reappearance of Pink cut short the discussion. Pink as he had looked before was pretty as a poster.

"I am not needing ye, lambie," she said. "Is it big business in the canyon ye're having today? Shall I be ready to be cooking up one of them God-forsaken Red Indian messes for ye when ye come back?" Linda held up a warning finger. "Hiss, Katy," she said. "That is a dark secret. Don't you be forgetting yourself and saying anything like that before anyone, or I would be ruined entirely."

"I was just tickled over that because Miss Eileen saw a good-looking and capable young man leave a second package, right on the heels of young Whiting," she said. "Whatever have ye got, lambie? What does that mean?"

"I think," said Linda quietly, "that tonight is going to teach him how Marian felt in her blackest hours." "Well, he needn't be coming to me for sympathy," said Katy. "But if Miss Eileen has gone to live with the folks that come after her the day, ye might be savin' a wee crap o' sympathy for her, lambie.

"I'll do my best, and if that's not good enough, Miss Eileen knows what she can do." "Now listen to you," laughed Linda. "Katy, you couldn't be driven to leave me, by anything on this earth that Eileen could do; you know you couldn't." Katy chuckled quietly. "Sure, I wouldn't be leaving ye, lambie," she said. "We'll get everything ready, and I can serve I six as nicely as anyone.

"That I never did?" asked Dot, sitting up to look at Aunt Polly. "That you've never done," repeated Aunt Polly. "Indoors or out?" asked Twaddles, standing on one foot excitedly. "Out," answered Aunt Polly. "Mother won't let me go out," wailed Dot, the tears starting again. "I think it's mean." "Mean?" said Aunt Polly. "Goodness, lambie, suppose you should be sick when we had the play and the fair?

I think you must both have heard of this Shepherd, Geordie, and little Jean too." "I never knew a shepherd except Gowrie's, and he lost the bonnie lambie with the black face, that used to lick Geordie's hand," replied little Jean, with a doleful expression in her usually merry black eyes.

Shaking it into place on his shoulders, he slowly turned in front of Linda and the surprised Katy. The sleeves came halfway to his wrists and the shoulders slid down over his upper arms. He made such a quaint and ridiculous figure that Katy burst out laughing. She was very well trained, but she knew Linda was deeply distressed. "Wake up, lambie!" she cried sharply.