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Updated: August 28, 2024

He brought back the little feathered body he had found at the foot of a tall oak tree, and showed them. "It's a baby robin," said Grandma, touching the little thing gently. "It must have fallen out of the nest. Don't grieve, lambie, nothing can hurt the little bird now." "I want to bury it," insisted Sunny, tears running down his face. "I don't want to leave it on the ground, Grandma."

Man is permitted to make such errors but once in his life, without having Providence get after him and slay him. Little Canuck?" "Paddy?" "The top of the ant-hill is white with heat, and the lambie must enter the roasting tomb. Will you and Mr. Carew eat with me?" "We've no intention of eating anywhere else, Paddy. We know your cooking of old." "It's an honor you'll be doing me, then.

Lock her door and don't touch her things until we know certainly what she wants done with them." Katy stood thinking intently, then she lifted her eyes to Linda's. "Lambie," she whispered softly, "are we ixpicted to go into mourning over this?" A mischievous light leaped into Linda's eyes.

I haven't a notion what she will say to me for what I did last night and what I am going to do in the future, but I have a definite idea as to what I am going to say to her." "Now, easy; ye go easy, lambie," cautioned Katy.

The one thing I don't like about it is that it ain't fair nor right to give even Marian the best. Ye be takin' that suite yourself, lambie, and give Miss Marian your room all fixed up with her things, or, if ye want her nearer, give her the guest room and make a guest room of yours."

I'm no easy feared, but maybe your ain bluid would run a bit cauld, mun, if instead o' speerin' aboot it in daylicht ye were wi' me last night, an' seed an awfu' like shape, white an' gruesome, whiles here, whiles there, an' it greetin' and ca'ing in the darkness like a bit lambie that hae lost its mither.

"I'm just darin' ye to send John Gilman in the sound of my voice. If ye do, I'll tell him every mean and selfish thing ye've done to me poor lambie since the day of the Black Shadow. Send him to me? Holy Mither, I wish ye would! If ever I get my chance at him, don't ye think I won't be tellin' him what he has lost, and what he has got?

Tears rose to the wood-cutter's eyes, as lifting the child in his arms he entered the hut, and leaving Frida there with Hans, he beckoned his wife to speak to him outside; and there he told her the story of the man who had died in Johann's cottage. "Ah, then," said Elsie, "the little Frida is indeed an orphan, poor lambie. How shall we tell her, Wilhelm? Her little heart will break.

We had drifted a few hundred yards behind the advance party, but were a good distance in front of the rearguard, when a number of horsemen made a dash from the kopjes which we were skirting, and the rifles began to speak. There was no time for poetry; it was a case of "sit tight and ride hard," or surrender and be made prisoners. Lambie shouted to me: "Let's make a dash, Hales," and we made it.

Katy threw up both her hands. "Oh, my Lord, lambie!" she cried, aghast. "Was you telling' him that the dress ye were wearing' was a present from your old cook?" "Why, certainly I was," said Linda, wide eyed with astonish meet. "Why shouldn't I? I was proud to. And now, old dear, before I go, the biggest secret of all.

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