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Ye see, it's mine, for it belongs to His R'yal Majesty Carlos, King av Spain. The bonds are issued by Spain, an' as he is King av Spain he owns thim bonds. If ye was a native Spaniard ye'd give thim up out av pure loyalty, but as ye're a farr'ner, why, av coorse ye can't be ixpicted to deny yerself to such an ixtint." At this astounding disclosure Russell was struck dumb.

I've ixpicted you ivry day for years, and I niver was so surprised in all me life as whin you came! Now, don't you shed another tear. The Lord knows this is enough, for anybody. None at all would be too many for Jimmy Malone. You get right into bid, and I'll make you a cup of rid-pipper tay to take the chill out of you.

"And I tried to scrame and me tongue stuck " "Sure! You poor lamb! My tongue always sticks! Just what I ixpicted!" "And me head just went round and I keeled over in the bushes " "I've told Dolan a thousand times! I knew it! It's no news to me!" "And whin I came to, they were gone, and I don't know where, and I don't care! But I won't go back! I won't go back! I'll not live with him another day.

Lock her door and don't touch her things until we know certainly what she wants done with them." Katy stood thinking intently, then she lifted her eyes to Linda's. "Lambie," she whispered softly, "are we ixpicted to go into mourning over this?" A mischievous light leaped into Linda's eyes.

I've ixpicted it for years!" cried Katy. "They've had a fight " "Just what I looked for! I always told you they were too thick to last!" "And Jimmy told Dannie he'd lied to me and married me himsilf " "He did! I saw him do it!" screamed Katy. "And Dannie tried to kill him "

"Probably Sarjint Hennessey has some rations that he kin give us," suggested Shorty, who was genuinely sorry for the poor boys. "Dade I haint not a smidgeon," answered Hennessey. "We ixpicted ye's to git here this forenoon and relieve us, and we et up ivery spoonful of our grub for breakfast, so's to lighten us for a quick march back to camp.

This was followed be th' publication iv a letther fr'm Oscar L. Swub iv East Persepalis, Ohio, declarin' that his sister heerd a cousin iv th' man that wash'd buggies in a livery stable in Canton say Mack's hired man tol' him Mack'd be hanged befure he'd withdraw th' ar-rmy fr'm Cuba." "Oh, I guess th' campaign is doin' as well as cud be ixpicted.