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Updated: August 17, 2024

The door was opened before they got there. "It's me, Mrs. Lawson!" said Ellen. "Indeed, I kenned that!" replied the housewife. "I was keeking out of the window when you came up the road, and I said to masel', 'There's Miss Melville, and she'll be wanting her tea, so I awa' and popped the kettle on. Bring your gentleman in. He's a new face, but he's welcome.

We thought we had the Den to oursel's, and as we sat on the Shoaging Stane at the Cuttle Well, Aaron wrote wi' a stick on the ground 'Jean Latta, and prigged wi' me to look at it, but I spread my hands ower my face, and he didna ken that I was keeking at it through my fingers all the time.

"Have ye heard about him at the Skeighan Fair?" said Sandy Toddle. "No, man," said Brodie, bowing down and keeking at Toddle in his interest; "I hadna heard about tha-at! Is this a new thing?" "Oh, just at the fair; the other day, ye know!" "Ay, man, Sandy!" said big Brodie, stooping down to Toddle to get near the news; "and what was it, Sandy?"

Something in the girl's speech went straight to the young man's heart. He handed her half a crown. Whistling lightly, he strode off up the side of the burn. Hannah stood gazing after him spell-bound. She was aroused from her reverie by an angry voice calling her name. "Hannah, Hannah," cried the voice, "come away ben; are ye daft, lass, that ye stand there keeking at a McWhinus?"

Not that the man was devoid of ability few, indeed, could set forth a more plausible tale; but he was continually meddling, keeking, and poking, and always taking up a suspicious opinion of every body's intents and motives but his own.

I daursay you think I was keeking, but if I was I stoppit it when the piano stoppit; it was a hard thing to me to do, and it would hae been an easy thing no to do, but I wouldna spy upon Elspeth in her great hour." "I like you for that, Aaron," Tommy said; but Aaron waved his likes aside. "The reason I stood at the door," he continued, "was to keep you out o' that room.

At word of his coming the doors were filled with mutches and bald heads, keeking by the jambs to get a look. Many were indecent in their haste, not waiting till he passed ere they peeped which was their usual way. Some even stood away out in front of their doors to glower at him advancing, turning slowly with him as he passed, and glowering behind him as he went.

Clinging to his benefactor, Elliot rose to his feet and stumbled forward as swiftly as his shaking limbs permitted. 'Whaur is he? he inquired tremulously, keeking about fearfully. 'Wha d' ye mean? replied the Minister. 'Is 't "Parcy" ye hae seen? 'Waur nor that; waur nor that, replied the other. 'I believe 'twas him. 'Anither fifty yards an' we'll be hame, said the Minister.

However that might be, he was keeking at her from closer range now; and in that position for he held her firmly still she could not help but keek back. He looked so handsome humble for once; penitent yet reproachful; his own eyes a little moist; and, withal, his old audacious self that, despite herself, her anger grew less hot. "Say yo' forgie me and I'll let yo' go."

The smith came out in his leather apron, shoving back, as he gazed, the grimy cap from his white-sweating brow; bowed old men stood in front of their doorways, leaning with one hand on short, trembling staffs, while the slaver slid unheeded along the cutties which the left hand held to their toothless mouths; white-mutched grannies were keeking past the jambs; an early urchin, standing wide-legged to stare, waved his cap and shouted, "Hooray!" and all because John Gourlay's carts were setting off upon their morning rounds, a brave procession for a single town!

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