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I've nursed a good bit I was in Cuby last year, an' I was detailed for juty in the hospital more'n half my time," he went on, eagerly. "This here hand, it's bad, 'cause it's torn. Ef you had a cut o' that size, now, you wouldn't be payin' no 'tention to it.

Oh, horror! and the apparition was It! And It had come to her! embraced her! spoke words of love! It was He! her once loved but now lost Johnny! The thought was too much. With a wild yell, she flung her arms around "His Majesty" and fainted. "It's mesilf," said "His Majesty," placidly, "that 'ud be the proud man to shtay here an' watch wid yez agin the ghost, but juty calls me elsewhere."

The thoughts come. You're a great one to talk against thinking. Uncle says you don't do much else, and that your thoughts are just like the smoke of your pipe." Aun' Jinkey bridled indignantly at first, but, recollecting herself, said quietly: "I knows my juty ter ole mars'r en'll say not'n gin 'im. He bring you up en gib you a home, Miss Lou. You must reckermember dat ar."

I took her and tried to cumft her: I pinted out the diffrents of our sitawashns; igsplained to her that proppaty has its jewties as well as its previletches, and that MY juty clearly was to marry into a noble famly. "There they stood together them two young women. I don't know which is the ansamest.

"A man" said the officer, dubiously; "sure, he ain't lookin' it." "Arrest him!" said Ivo Hobbs. "Devil a wan o' me," answered Dunne. "You'd better proceed by summons, me man. 'Tain't me juty to arrist monkeys, an 'twould not be becomin' t' the' dignity iv an officer iv th' law, anyway, t' be seen draggin' a baste iv thim proportions through the street." Mr.

Had great veneration for 'his juty. No real knowledge of the Criminal Code, and minus common sense, yet begad! the silly beggar tried to be more regimental that the blooming Force is itself. I systematically put the wind up to him 'till he got cold feet and quit." Redmond recalled the fact that Taylor had been his predecessor. "Followed!" he echoed mockingly, looking up at his handiwork.

His favourite cow, with a bridle in her mouth, was being galloped at greatest speed around the field, Betty's lad standing tip-toe upon her back. The minister, with the agility which unbounded wrath gave him, caught the boy' and swung his cane. 'I am going to thrash you, said he. 'Ay, ye maun do that. The small face was drawn to the aspect of a grave judge 'ye maun do that; it's yer juty.

Jock's heart is big enough to put the whole church inside provided you find the right key." "Yes, but it's a ticklish job fitting it when you do find it. Some small item in the business will strike him the wrong way and he will get slow and stiff and arise to the occasion with, 'I feel, Mister Moterator, that it is my juty to object." His imitation of Mr.

'Tis no manner av use ye shtartin' in tu buck th' Force. Juty's juty ye know that." "Have you got a warrant, Sergeant?" "Eyah!" came Slavin's sinister growl. "We've bin fishin', Gully, up in th' big pool beyant. Well ye must know that pool. Fwhat we caught there is our warrant. Opin up now, will ye? else we bust yu're dhure in!" "Slavin Sergeant!

"Oh, yes, we do! yes, we do! we know 'at you don't take care uv us 'cause it's your juty! you jist do it 'cause you love to!" "That is it exactly just because I love to, and because I want you to get well and go to your mothers." "Yes! but the boys says you don't care about 'em when they get well." "They do not need to have me care for them when they are well."