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Updated: August 3, 2024

"I eats this guy up, 'bo," whispered McCorquodale, pointing to Stiles' victor with his thumb, "'n'en I helps Swedie, see. You grabs Jimmy on your back an' beats it fer the canoes. The girl's away already an' Swedie an' me'll join you in a jiff an' the whole bunch of us vamooses, see. You grabs Stiles " Kendrick silenced him with a look and together they leaped into the fray.

"Search and research proving vain," said Gerald, when every corner of the bedroom had been turned out and the ring had not been found, "the noble detective hero of our tale remarked that he would have other fish to fry in half a jiff, and if the rest of you want to hear about last night..." "Let's keep it till we get to Mabel," said Kathleen heroically. "The assignation was ten-thirty, wasn't it?

I down't 'old with sin myself, mind you, but I down't believe in cuttin' off your nose to spite someone else's fyce. You go an' wash your 'ands, an' I'll 'ave your dinner up in 'alf a jiff!..." John stared at her. "I don't know what you mean by living in sin," he said. "Well, you are innercent," she replied. "'Aven't you never 'eard of no one livin' together without bein' married?"

Obsarving the same, I made bowld to remark that it would give me frind Jiff the highest plisure to do it for him, not forgetting to obsarve that I knew his company would be agreeable to the byes, and he will be of great hilp to the same." "Well, I'm blessed!" exclaimed the old miner, removing his hat and mopping his forehead with his big red handkerchief.

"Some of the hands would like to see you for half a jiff, Mr. Wade," said he. "Will you come along, if you please?" There was a good deal of easy swagger about Perry, as there is always in boys and men whose business is to watch the lunging of steam-engines. Wade followed him. Perry led the way with a jaunty air that said, "Room here! Out of the way, you lubberly bits of cast-iron!

"Run! Run!" whispered Mr. Shrig's voice behind him. "Ve can do it now, run!" "No!" panted Barnabas, wiping the blood from his cheek. "Run!" cried Mr. Shrig again, "there's a place I knows on close by ve can reach it in a jiff this vay, run!" "No!" "Not run? then v'ot vill ye do?" "Make them!" "Are ye mad? Ha! look out!"

"That's the fact, Jiff; but how did ye find it out?" "My own common sense told me. You've been looking 'round the last hour for a chance to indulge agin." "I'll admit," was the frank response, "that a dim idea of the kind has been flickerin' through me brain; but I cast the timptation indignantly behind me. Do you know why?" "No."

"I'm a doctor and I might come in handy. I'll be there in a jiff." He vanished from the window, and before Prince was backed into the shafts, walked up the carriage drive, neatly clad, cool and alert, his doctor's bag in his hand. "I was just looking at the place as I dressed. Queer sight looks like a doll's house. Bedding flung back over the footboards, the way they'd thrown it when they jumped.

"A certain person'll never know or not till it's too late." "Here, Polly dear," said Jinny, and held out a book. "I know it now." Again Polly put down her embroidery. She took the book. "Plough!" said she. "Plough?" echoed Jinny vaguely, and turned a pair of soft, cow-like brown eyes on the blowflies sitting sticky and sleepy round the walls of the room. "Wait a jiff ... lemme think! Plough?

"Do ye think I would admit Jiff as a partner if it was otherwise? Not I." "But," interposed Frank, "how is it with us? You never saw us before." "One look at them faces is enough," was the prompt reply; "ye carry a certificate wid ye that no one can dispoot." "And I should like to know," said Jeff, with assumed indignation, "what credential you have to present to us, young man."

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