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"Look here, Bud," sez I, interruptin', "I know all about your golden gates an' sea lions an' cosmopopilic civilization; but how about your fleas?" "Fleas!" sez he. "Hang the fleas! I'll tell you about them.

"An' I reckon that newcomer you've been chinning with could explain if HE had a mind to." Breck, now very uncomfortable, found all eyes centered on him. "Sam was chewing the rag with him, too, before he hit out," some one said. "Look here, Mr. Breck," Shunk Wilson continued. "You've been interruptin' proceedings, and you got to explain the meanin' of it. What was you chinnin' about?"

I was too agitated, and wrought up; and I says agin, in tones witherin' enough to wither him, "The idee of sellin' me a feller!" But the chap didn't look withered a mite: he stood there firm and immovible, and says he, "I didn't mean no offense, mom. Sellin' attachments is what I get my living by" "Wall, I should ruther not get a livin'," says I, interruptin' of him. "I should ruther not live."

I'm sure mony a sair heart she had after ye. I thocht she wad hae gratten her een oot; but, bein sure ye were dead, an' a guid offer comin in the way, ye ken, she couldna refuse't. It wad hae been the heicht o' imprudence. Sae she juist dried her een, puir thing, an' buckled to." "Exactly, Mrs. Craig exactly," said I, here interruptin her; "I understan ye ye need sae nae mair."

On this glad evening no line is drawn between master and man, no What is it, Delia?" The cook had stepped forward. "Excuse me for interruptin', sor, but for sivin years I've stud through the Christmas Carol, from ind to ind, and I'm sivin years older than whin I began. I'm no longer young and hearty. I'm " "Well, why do you hesitate? Go on. Do you mean to say you don't want to hear it again?"

You know I like you in spite of your impudence." "And I dislike you because of yours. Oh, do go away and leave me, Mr. Stokes." "I won't. I've got a lot to say to you. I've only just begun, but you keep interruptin' me, and I can't get ahead." "Finish then." "Well, what I want to say is this. I always meant we should stop at Fontainebleau." "Oh you damaged your stepfather's car on purpose!

"Well, ye saas, I had to crawl up to 'em mighty careful, for if you step upon a stick no bigger than a tooth-pick, yees are sortin to wake up a slaapin' copper-skin " "So they were Indians, then," interrupted Elwood somewhat impatiently. "Do yes be aisy now, and not be interruptin' of me, and yer observations and questions which ain't naaded in this case.

"Well, Daddy, what happened next?" said Mrs. Hawley, soothingly. "I ain't a goin fur to tell nothin more tonight," said Daddy decidedly. "If folks can't listen without interruptin me, they may wait till they ken," and he shot another meaning glance at the offending Sorrel Top.

The yellow horse blustered and squealed a little, and at last said that, if it was a horse-fly that had stung Muldoon, he would accept an apology. "You'll get it," said Muldoon, "in de sweet by-and-bye all de apology you've any use for. Excuse me interruptin' you, Mr. Rod, but I'm like Tweezy I've a Southern drawback in me hind legs."

"Beg pardon for interruptin' yer on Sunday arternoon, but I've 'eerd as yer ain't satisfied with Mr. Catchpole, and I thought I'd jist tell yer as soon as I could as yesterday arternoon, while I was mindin' the shop, and he was out, I 'ad to go to the till, and it jist so 'appened, as I was a-givin' change, I was a-lookin' at a George the Third sovereign there, and took particklar notice of it.