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But worth is worth, no matter where 'tis found. HUNN. That is Herr Reding, sir, our old Landamman. MEYER. I know him well. There is a suit between us, About a piece of ancient heritage. Herr Reding, we are enemies in court, Here we are one. STAUFFACHER. That's well and bravely said. WINKELRIED. Listen! They come. Hark to the horn of Uri! MAUER. Look, is not that God's pious servant there?

Among those whom I specified were the Marquis of Buckingham and Lord Camden, the two Tellers of the Exchequer, whose sinecures at that time were about thirty-five thousand a-year each; Lord Arden, the elder brother of Perceval, thirty-eight thousand a-year; Lords Grenville and Erskine, &c. &c. &c. Hunn, the mother of Mr. Canning, &c. &c.

Then of beer-gardens there is literally no end, and there are nightly concerts in them. There are two brothers Hunn, each with his band, who, like the ancient Huns, have taken the city; and its gardens are given over to their unending waltzes, polkas, and opera medleys.

Setting off promptly, Hunn had reached the shore, near Little Egg Harbor, by two o'clock of Friday, the 25th, and thence he rode slowly down to Cape May, not seeing any of the ships, however, until the 30th, when, after three days of "thick" weather, some of them came into the view of observers on both capes of the Delaware.

Force is at best A fearful thing even in a righteous cause; God only helps when man can help no more. Here you can give us information. Speak! HUNN. I was at Rheinfeld, at the emperor's palace, Deputed by the Cantons to complain Of the oppression of these governors, And claim the charter of our ancient freedom, Which each new king till now has ratified.

Tutt's eager hand, glanced through it and turned sharply upon the quaking Chippingham. "How long have you been attorney for Scherer, Hunn, Greenbaum & Beck?" "Twelve years, Your Honor." "Who is Wilson W. Elderberry?" "He is the secretary of the Horse's Neck Extension, Your Honor." "Is he in court?" From a distant corner Mr. Elderberry bashfully rose. "Come here!" ordered the court.

All these various properties were either owned or controlled by Scherer, Hunn, Greenbaum & Beck and had been acquired with the use of the same original capital in various entirely legal ways, which at the present moment are irrelevant. The firm was a strictly honorable business house, from both their own point of view and that of the Street.

It's a heads-I-win-tails-you-lose proposition," commented Mr. Hunn dryly. "Who controls Amphalula?" "We do," snapped Greenbaum. "Then it's a cinch," returned Hunn mildly. "Shake out the sleepers, reorganize, and sell or hold as seems most advisable later on." Mr. Elderberry cleared his throat tentatively.

Mr. Tutt laughed genially. "Oh, well," he said, "it's no matter who owns it. Elderberry just telephoned me that he had received a telegram from the Amphalula that the vein had definitely run out. It's all over including the shouting." "Elderberry telephone you?" queried Miss Wiggin in astonishment. "Yes, Elderberry. You see, he's done, he says, with Scherer, Hunn, Greenbaum & Beck.

I reckon, gen'lemen, the kidnappers will never come to Dover no more." "Two things surprise me," Clayton said; "that Joe Johnson would venture to raid Dover itself after the licking I got him; and that free darkeys could make such a defence." "Ah! John Clayton," spoke Jonathan Hunn, "there was a white witness there, to affirm that they only defended their lives."