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The minority were nothing but a lot of piking gamblers, anyway, who bought or sold for a rise or fall of a few cents. They knew nothing of the property and cared less for its real value. They were merely traders and if they lost they forgot it or tried to. On the other hand Scherer, Hunn, Greenbaum & Beck were promoters, who contributed something to the economic advancement of the nation.

Leaving the cape at ten in the morning, the messenger reached Chester at a quarter before six in the afternoon, and thence hurried on. Hunn, too, saw the ships from his post on Cape May, and only the need of being brief is reason for not giving here his quaint and badly-spelled despatches, which, however, in spite of imperfect orthography, sufficiently told the movements of the fleet.

Won't you lay us all open to the accusation of being strikers?" Mr. Tutt's ordinarily brown complexion became slightly tinged with purple. "Let the court decide!" he cried hotly. "You say Scherer, Hunn, Greenbaum & Beck are proposing to reorganize a mining company? You admit we hold some of the stock?

"Of course you've got to give the old stockholders notice, but we can rush the thing through and before anybody wakes up the thing will be done. Then they can holler all they want." "Well, I'll come in," announced Hunn complacently. "So will I," echoed Scherer. "And the firm can underwrite the last hundred thousand, and that will clean it up."

HUNN. The ancient books may not be near at hand, Yet are they graven in our inmost hearts. ROSSELMANN. 'Tis well. And now, then, let a ring be formed, And plant the swords of power within the ground. MAUER. Let the Landamman step into his place, And by his side his secretaries stand. SACRIST. There are three Cantons here. Which hath the right To give the head to the united council?

From this military intermingling of races so utterly dissimilar in blood and speech as the Hunns and the Germans, one of whose tribes were called Hunes, it is not difficult to conceive the shifting of the tragic issue of the Nibelung story to the East. Attila, the Hunn, slid into the previous Teutonic hero-figure of Atli, the Hune.

The Philadelphia society, for the purpose of maintaining reasonable prices, has a store on St. Helena Island, which is under the charge of Friend Hunn, of the good fellowship of William Penn. He was once fined in Delaware three thousand dollars for harboring and assisting fugitive slaves; but he now harbors and assists them at a much cheaper rate.

Little money was raised in that crowd, since there was little to give, and, addressing the two distinguished strangers, Sorden, the crier, exclaimed: "What, gentlemen, will you let the Hunn brothers and Tommy Garrett and the Motts give three hundred dollars for a woman they never saw, and we, who see her always doing good, give nothing?" "Pity! pity!" sobbed the blind man.

He imagined the former name to be absurd, because Siegfried was not a Hunn; but Vigfússon was unacquainted with the wide historical distribution of the Hunic name in Germany and England. Gundahari, who first threw himself with an army of 20,000 men against the Hunnic leader, gloriously fell with all his men.

While Horse's Neck represents a handsome profit in my opinion" he cleared his throat again as if deprecating the vulgarity of his phrase "it is good for another whirl." "You say it's full of water?" inquired Hunn. "It will cost about fifty thousand dollars to pump out the mines and a hundred thousand to repair the machinery.