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Updated: August 19, 2024

It was across our river, yonder from whence the sound of the Angelus comes across the summer water like the music of dreams, that Balzac's Modest Mignon carried on her intrigues of hifalutin gush, by means of a facile bonne, with a man whom she had never seen, and who deceived her by personating the poet she wished him to be.

The carpenters took down the addition, and the wedding presents were shipped to town. "She says she’ll be goin’ soon," said Lucinda to Joshua. "Then she’ll be goin’ soon," said Joshua. "I’m sure I’ll be glad," said Lucinda; "such hifalutin sky-larkin’!" Joshua said nothing. Mr.

"How do you spell conscientious?" "I don't, unless it's owner's orders," was the answer. "What do you want to spell it for?" "We've writ much as four hundred advertisements, I do believe!" said Captain Jerry, "and there ain't one of them fit to feed to a pig. Perez here, he's got such hifalutin' notions, that nothin' less than a circus bill 'll do him.

"Why should I grant your requests, when you won't grant mine?" "Good Lord, Eunice, are you going to harp on that allowance string again?" "I am. Why shouldn't I, when it warps my whole life " "Oh, come, cut out the hifalutin' talk!" "Well, then, to come down to plain facts, there isn't a day that I'm not humiliated and embarrassed by the lack of a little cash." "Bad as that?"

He patted the wrinkled hand laid on his arm but shook his head in grim negation. "It isn't necessary, Abbie; you tell Miss Carter that it will all be in the report to-morrow!" And he gently but firmly put aside her restraining hand. But the old woman was wise in her generation. "Look heah, Ken Douglass," she indignantly stormed; "don't yuh try no hifalutin with me.

So he solved the difficulty and gratified his aristocratic ambitions by writing it d'Unlap. This may serve as a sample of the stuff of which the company was made. Dunlap was by no means useless; for he invented hifalutin names for the camps, and generally succeeded in proposing a name that was, as his companions agreed, "no slouch."

Quite a hifalutin speech for Frank, who used to be at the foot of his class." Richard grew faint and cold as death, feeling one moment an impulse to knock young Clifford down, and the next a burning desire to hear the worst, if, indeed, he had not already heard it. He would not question Harry; but he would listen to all he had to say, and so kept quiet, waiting for the rest.

While we were hanging up the quarters of beef on some pegs on the north side of the cabin, Edwards said, whispering, "Jack must have pictured this claim mighty hifalutin to that gal, for she's a way up good-looker. Another thing, watch me build to the one inside with the black eyes. I claimed her first, remember. As soon as we get this beef hung up I'm going in and sidle up to her."

"That was the spring that Ken Douglass hit this range. One day when she is actin' more foolish than, most he pats her on thu back an' calls her 'Sappho' an' spouts a lot o' hifalutin dago talk an' wipes her eyes with his new silk han'kerchief really! Tenderfeets air cu'r'ous critters an' Ken acts loco a leetle hisself sumtimes.

"I was just wondering if you had forgotten how to make those good ash-cakes." "Now, jes' listen to de chile, makin' game o' his ole Mammy!" she exclaimed. "Livin' so high wid all dem hifalutin' kings an' queens an' sech, an' den comin' back here an' makin' ten' he wouldn' 'spise Mammy's ash-cakes!" "I'm in dead earnest, Mammy. Indeed, indeed and double deed, I am.

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