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The left and right walls divided the Henshaw back yard from the yards of the houses on either side, the wall immediately before him divided it from the back yard of a house in Minerva Terrace, which was parallel to the High Street. Jones chose this wall.

Henshaw stepped back, still with folded arms. "This fellow Kamasura," he announced to the crew, "has blown up the boats of the Heron. There's no doubt of it. Borgson caught him almost in the act. I could do worse things than this to Kamasura, but I've decided to flog him until he confesses." There was not a word of answer from the crew; they waited, hushed, ominous.

It was plain he had misinterpreted the reply. But the exhibition was only momentary. "Admitting in the meantime your right to interfere," Henshaw said, now with perfect coolness, "allow me to tell you that you are taking a very foolish course." "I shall be glad to know how."

You see, really, all the time, I suspect, I've been singing it to you," she confessed with an endearing blush, as she sprang lightly to her feet and hurried to the piano. It was a bad ten minutes that Bertram Henshaw spent then. How he could love a song and hate it at the same time he did not understand; but he knew that he was doing exactly that.

He tried to get out of me how I had come to be driving with Archie that night, and although I evaded his questions it was plain that he had a shrewd inkling of the reason. Not to weary you with a long account of this disagreeable and humiliating affair, I will only say that from that day forward I became subject to a determined system of persecution from Clement Henshaw.

Henshaw £2 0 0 Panama 6 11 Nightshirt 3 11 Coat 15 0 Public House 10 Shave and Newspaper 7 Road Map 1 0 £3 8 3 He went over these accounts and checked them in his head. Then he put the money back in his pocket and started on his way across the fields. Despite all his worries this English country interested him, it also annoyed him.

Not even Robinson Crusoe, Junior. It was to have been called Island Passion, he learned, but this title had been amended to Island Love. "They're getting fed up on that word 'passion," Henshaw was saying, "and anyhow, 'love' seems to go better with 'island, don't you think, Governor? 'Desert Passion' was all right there's something strong and intense about a desert. But 'island' is different."

I had made but little progress in the art, and letter-writing always appeared to me a great undertaking; but Aunt Henshaw, having one afternoon provided me with pen, ink, and paper, and elevated me nicely with the large Bible and my "Pilgrim's Progress," I sat biting the end of my quill, and pondering over some form of commencement.

Inside was a great mass of little canvas bags. McTee was panting as if he had run a great distance at full speed. "Take one." The Scotchman raised one of the bags and shook it. A musical clinking sounded. "Forty pounds of gold coin," said Henshaw, "and about ten thousand dollars in all. There are eighty-five of those bags, and every one holds the same amount. Also "

"Please; do tell me." She spoke mechanically, still hardly able to trust her voice above a whisper. They sat down and he related the salient points of his interview with Henshaw. "It was lucky that I happened to have something of a hold over him," he concluded with a laugh; "Mr.