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Updated: August 24, 2024

If he was such an old friend of his aunt's maybe she would not object to him because he wore pants, he thought. Maybe she might be persuaded to take Mr. Jones for a husband. Billy almost hoped that she would hurry home from the Aid, he wanted to see the two together so. "Is you much of a cusser?" he asked solemnly, "'cause if you is you'll hafter cut it out on these premises." Mr.

This man has no cry of "Hot Eels!" like many of the sellers. "I touches up people's noses; 't ain't their heyes or their hears I'm hafter," he says, though the neat stall makes its own claim on the "heyes." In another alley is another pea-soup man, one-legged, but not at all depressed by this or any other circumstance of fate.

"Well, it look like He'd jest hafter work on Sunday, He's so busy jest a-makin' babies. He makes all the niggers an' heathens an' Injuns an' white chillens; I reckon He gits somebody to help him. Don't you, Aunt Minerva?" Billy was sitting in the swing. Jimmy crawled over the fence and joined him.

I know this: she'd get a deuced pretty fellow for her husband, and one that girls as good as her has hankered hafter long enough. It won't do, governor, to let people as is in their position pick and choose like. We've the hupper hand, and we must do the picking and choosing." "She'd never have you, Aby; not if her father went down on his knees to her to ask her." "Oh, wouldn't she?

"You're sure handy, Sissy," he said, rising and allowing her to help him into the shirt again and on with his coat. "Now I'll hafter toddle along or Tim will give me a call-down. Much obleeged. If ye get inter the tam'rack swamp, come dry-foot weather, stop and see me an' my old woman." "Oh! I'd love to, Mr. Vanderwiller," Nan cried. "The swamp must be full of just lovely flowers now."

"I wonder," sighed Aunt Almira, quite unconscious that she spoke aloud, "if I kin turn that old black alpaca gown I got when Sister Susie died, Jason, an' fashion it after one o' the new models?" "Heh?" grunted the startled Mr. Day, glaring at her. "Of course, we'll hafter go inter black it's only decent. But I did fancy a plum-colored dress this Spring, with r'yal purple trimmins.

"Why didn't you bloomin' well harsk him if he weren't doin' ther imaginin' trick when he sent us chasin' hup ther main, hafter that bogyman of his?" "I never thought of it," I told him. "Well, yer ought ter have." He paused, and sat up in his bunk, and asked for a match. As I passed him my box, Quoin looked up from his game. "It might 'ave been a stowaway, yer know.

The other kid's mother told them that if they did such things 'the bad man would get them. 'Who's the bad man, Tommy? our Sue asked him, and Tommy says: "'Don't know. You'll hafter ask Charlie's mother. She's well acquainted with him." "Come on, now!" exclaimed Lance. "Who's going to take the Duchess and go to Elberon Crossing for this bill of goods? We can't all go hunting for robbers."

"That's so," said Ezra Phelps, "everybody knows as these tew counties be taxed higher nor the other eend o' the state." "Hev yew paid up ye taxes fer las' year, Peleg?" inquired Abner. "No, I hain't, nor fer year afore, nuther. Gosh, I can't. I could pay in pertaters, but I can't pay in money. Ther ain't no money. Klector Williams says as haow he'd hafter sell me out, an I s'pose he's goin ter.

Ye'll hafter pay me full price for that lamb, boy then I'll give it to the dogs. 'Tain't no good the way it is." Ruth had tied the leg firmly with her own handkerchief which was of practical size. "If we could put it in splints, and keep the lamb still, it would mend," she declared to Helen. "What do you consider the thing worth, sir?" asked Tom. "Four dollars," declared the farmer, promptly.

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