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"H-m. You've charged them twice." "Eh?" "Here's an item: 'Twelve Plymouth Rocks, twelve dollars; and farther down: 'Twelve Plymouth Rocks, eighteen dollars." "Oh, yes; o' course. Ye see, I sold you a dozen first, of the dollar kind. Then I thought as how, bein' fine young birds, you'd be tempted fer to eat 'em, an' a dozen don't go fur on the table.

"Yes, sir," and Simmonds handed it to him. "H-m," said Grady, as he glanced it over. "Five of 'em. Know anything about 'em?" "They've all been with Mr. Vantine a long time, sir," replied Simmonds. "So far as I've been able to judge, they're all right." "Which one of 'em found Vantine's body?" "Parks, I think," I said. "It was he who called me."

"H-m!" muttered Harrigan, and racked his brain to remember the ages at which a good vintage becomes a rare old wine. "About thirty-five years." "By the Lord!" cried Campbell. "It never fails a strong man knows his liquor like a book! You're almost right. Add three years and you have it! Thirty-eight years in sunshine and shadow!" He leaned back and gazed dreamily up to the ceiling.

The other was an Englishman the same who visits the lady." "H-m, h-mmmm." The tones were long drawn out, and again His Excellency was silent, considering what this new development might mean. The fingers ceased their thrumming and closed around a delicate ivory paper-knife which lay near by. When the Minister again spoke, he did so slowly, carefully, weighing each word.

It is not a time for marrying and giving in marriage, for playing on sackbuts and dulcimers h-m!" A quiet smile flickered around Master Loomis's mouth as he turned away, solaced by a shy, sweet look from Sylvia's limpid eyes, as he peeped into the keeping-room, where she sat with madam, on his way out. He could afford to wait a year for such a spring blossom as that, surely.

"Mister Everett!" said the madam, with dignity, and the little minister trotted rapturously over to her chair to receive certain low orders. "Yes, verily, yes h-m! A my friends, we are assembled in this place this evening " A sharp look from madam recalled him to the fact that this was not a prayer-meeting. "A that is yes, of a truth our purpose this afternoon was to "

He walked to the open cupboard, felt for the slide Joe had described to him, and drew it forward. A small drawer was behind the orifice, and from this Mr. Merrick drew a packet of papers. West gave a start and half arose. Then he settled back into his chair again. "H-m. This appears to be the stock in question," said Uncle John.

"H-m!" said Ambrose. They were now among the people. "Speak to them!" he cried. "Tell them if they keep quiet Ambrose Doane will pay for the flour that is burned up, and will grind them some more. Tell them to wait, and I promise to make things right. Tell them if they make trouble to-night the police will come and take them away, and their children will starve!"

Every word bristled with a new meaning, and, becoming deeply interested after reading the last two verses of Matthew, he began the book of Mark and did not leave it until he reached the end. "H-m! I begin to see what Mrs. Minturn founded some of her arguments upon," he said, as the striking of the clock warned him of his dinner hour.

Instead of dealing, however, Dubkoff rose and shook hands with us; after which he bade us both be seated, and then offered us pipes, which we declined. "Here is our DIPLOMAT, then the hero of the day!" he said to me, "Good Lord! how you look like a colonel!" "H-m!" I muttered in reply, though once more feeling a complacent smile overspread my countenance.