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Halfway across the living-room the doctor had come to a pause before the mahogany highboy. "Yes, 'that'!" The whimsical smile in the doctor's eyes showed that he was not unappreciative of the scorn in Susan's voice. "By George, it IS a beauty! I've got one myself, but it doesn't compare with that, for a minute. H-m!

"Stranger in San Francisco?" "Well, yes. At least, I have never seen it." "H-m!" The detective was a bit nonplussed by the man's evident evasion. "Well, if you are a stranger I suppose it is up to me to come to the defence of my city. This is one of Frisco's fogs. We have them occasionally. Sometimes they last for days. This one is a low one. It will lift presently. Then you will see the sun.

All but Myrtle and Dan'l followed her. Below the window was a jungle of cactus, with hundreds of spines as slender and sharp as stilettos sticking in every direction. "H-m; this room is burglar proof," muttered Uncle John, with marked disappointment. "It also makes an excellent prison," added Patsy. "But I suspected something of this sort when I saw they had left the window open.

"I have come here to work," she said after a long pause, during which she seemed trying to collect her thoughts. "I am Sarah Judd. Mrs. Morrison said I must come here on Saturday, the tenth day of July, to go to work. This is the tenth day of July." "H-m h-m; I see. When did Mrs. Morrison tell you that?" "It was last September."

"I'll say you did," commented the chief phlegmatically. "I have you there, Carroll dead to rights!" O'Leary was a trifle irritated at the cold reception accorded his news. "Ye ain't after understanding" he said slowly. "It's murder that has been done this night." "H-m!" Carroll's slow, pleasant drawl seemed to soothe O'Leary. "Murder?" "You said it, Mr. Carroll." Leverage had risen.

"How's the note-book?" as Raften's eye caught sight of the open sketch-book still in Yan's hand. "Oh, that reminds me," was the reply. "But what is this?" He showed the hoof-mark be had sketched. Raften examined it curiously. "H-m, I dunno'; 'pears to me moighty loike a big Buck. But I guess not; there ain't any left."

For one thing, I want to get hold of every bit of dope I can regarding Warren who he was, where he came from, what he did, the size of his bank deposits, his business connections, his social life, and especially every morsel of gossip that's ever been circulated about him in connection with women." "H-m! You think this dame was a society sort?" "Probably.

"Did you try his boarding-house?" "Yes. That is, Will did, and he wasn't there, hadn't been there at all, they said, since the afternoon before." "That so? Where else did you try? Duncan's office?" "We did, and no word of him there." "Try Clancy's boarding-house?" "Yes, and no word." "Try h-m the Anchorage?" "Oh, Joe, you don't think he's been loafing there since?" "No, I don't.

"I hardly know myself," wearily remarked Burke, on whom the strain of the case, to which we were still fresh, had begun to tell. "I only know that I called up Washington after I heard he had been at the hotel, and no one at our headquarters knew that he had returned. They may have fallen down, but they were to watch both his rooms and the embassy." "H-m," mused Kennedy.

This was the old Jack, going directly to the root of the matter, wasting no time on his own affairs or feelings, when he saw a duty before him. I felt the old sway of his personality upon me, and answered his questions as meekly as a child might have done. "He was just the same as he had been every morning since my accident," I returned. "H-m." Jack thought a long minute, then began again.