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I would not have thought, Hugh, that you would be so willing to give up Gussie as you seem to be. You are not trifling with both girls, I hope, Hugh?" "No, indeed! You do not understand, and I cannot explain; but Gussie is not what I thought her at first, and Dexie well, she is so much more. It does not make it easier to bear to know that I have placed a barrier between us with my own hands.

Dear me, I suppose most people would. But I felt it. And I should do the same thing again, I know I should." "For her, you mean?" "Yes yes, of course, for her." "Humph! Say, Loosh, may I ask you a purely personal question? Will you promise not to be offended if I do?" "Eh? Why, of course, Cousin Gussie. Of course. Dear me, ask anything you like." "All right.

Fink-Nottle, that every care was taken to ensure a correct marking and that Simmons outdistanced his competitors by a wide margin." "Well, if you say so," said Gussie doubtfully. "All right, G.G. Simmons, take your prize." "Sir, thank you, sir." "But let me tell you that there's nothing to stick on side about in winning a prize for Scripture knowledge. Bertie Wooster "

The contrast between them was too painful, and Gussie blushed with embarrassment, and hastily exclaimed: "Leave the room, Dexie, Mr. Traverse is here." "Where!" and the scoop-like bonnet was turned in his direction. "Oh, good morning, Mr. Traverse. Excuse my toilet, but we wash sometimes at our house, and this is one of the times. Fine morning this for washerwomen.

Louie's home-coming made a difference that was quite remarkable in Gussie also. She took so much for granted that Gussie was constrained to exert herself. It was rather amusing to watch Gussie's face when Louie would say, as they rose from the breakfast table: "Now, Gussie, come on. I'm not going to be a mere visitor, you know; so I'll help you set the rooms in order.

'There's a sportsman there who mixes things he calls "lightning whizzers". Something tells me I need one now. And excuse me for one minute, Gussie. I want to send a cable. It was clear to me by now that Aunt Agatha had picked the wrong man for this job of disentangling Gussie from the clutches of the American vaudeville profession. What I needed was reinforcements.

Augustus would have deserted at the last moment if an opportunity had offered. His mother made matters worse, as, instead of remembering her country as so many mothers have, and sending her son on his way with brave and glorious words, she wept and lamented from morning till night. "I told you so, Gussie," she said, when she first met us in London. "I was always against your joining that Yeomanry.

I give you up, though most unwillingly, for I cannot say now as I did before that your heart has not awakened, for I see that it has, beyond a doubt," and like a courtier of old he stooped and kissed her hand. Gussie was full of curiosity concerning the interview; but when the little group appeared in the room, their faces told no tales that she could interpret.

"Cousin Gussie," junior member of the firm, then in his early thirties, thrust his hands into the pockets of his smart tweed trousers, tilted from heels to toes of his stylish and very shiny shoes and whistled beneath his trim mustache. He had met Galusha often before, but that fact did not make him more optimistic, rather the contrary. "So you want to be a banker, do you, Loosh?" he asked.

I'll thank Lavendar to mind his business!" Captain Price forgot Gussie; he spoke "earnestly." "Dog-gone these people that pry into Oh, now, Gussie, don't!" "I've worried so awfully," said Mrs. Cyrus. "Everybody is talking about you. And Dr. Lavendar is so so angry about it; and now the daughter has charged on me as though it is my fault! Of course, she is queer, but "