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He had set down the basket of strawberries on the gravel, and had lifted up little Lizzie in his arms to look at a bird's nest. Lizzie peeped, and then looked at her grandpa with round blue eyes, and then peeped again. 'D'ye see it, Lizzie? he whispered. 'Yes, she whispered in return, putting her lips very near grandpa's face. At this moment Sally appeared. 'Eh, eh, Sally, what's the matter?

They even slept in the big automobile van. And when Bunny and Sue reached grandpa's farm, after a two days' trip, what fun they had! You may read all about it in the book. And Bunny and Sue did more than just have fun. The children helped find grandpa's horses, that had been taken away by the Gypsies.

"Oh, let's see it!" begged the three boys. "It's only one of grandpa's calves," cried Sue, "but it really has green stripes on it. Bunny put them on, and they're green paint, and they won't come off 'till they wear off, grandpa says, and the calf ran away, and kicked Bunny over and " "Oh, Sue, don't tell everything!" cried Bunny. "You'll spoil the show."

Well, we'll try. And, if we can't make it, we'll come back and stay at the hotel here all night." They were in the Tarrington station now, where it was nice and warm and light. Outside it was dark and cold and snowing hard. But the children did not mind. "We'll soon be at Grandpa's!" chanted Laddie. "And have some bread and jam!" added Violet. "What's jam made of?" she asked quickly.

"No, not exactly; he's the son of grandpa's second wife; we're really no relations, but we call each other cousin. Grandpa left the most of his land to his wife; but mother's got enough to manage, and nice land." "It's a beautiful place!" said the minister. "There is a waggon coming; I wonder if any of our friends have forgotten something? That is yes, that is farmer Babbage's team; isn't it?

But they thought there would be no harm in just walking across the meadow where Ben had last been seen. From the meadow grandpa's house was in plain sight, and if Bunny and Sue did not stray into the wood, which was at the further side of the meadow, they could not lose their way. "I hope we can find Ben," said Sue. "So do I," echoed Bunny. "Come on Splash, find Ben!"

"I don't think there will be any on them," said Fleda; "Mr. Didenhover has been here lately with the men getting in the corn; I guess they have cleared the trees." "Who is Mr. Didenhover?" "He is grandpa's man." "Why didn't you bid Mr. Didenhover let the nuts alone?" "Oh, he wouldn't mind if he was told," said Fleda. "He does everything just as he has a mind to, and nobody can hinder him.

Bunny looked up at the ceiling. Then he said: "I guess grandpa's tent is going to be for us to play in when it rains. Is it, Daddy?" "Well, that's pretty nearly right," Mr. Brown answered. "And now sit quiet and I'll tell you the surprise." But before I let Mr.

Bill did not permit one muscle of his face to twitch. "All right," he drawled, "I guess I won't go broke if I don't get it. You mind what your Captain tells you, Shorty! He's running this show, and what he says goes. You've got a good man over yuh, Shorty. A fine man. He'll weed out the town till it'll look like grandpa's onion bed if the supply of rope don't give out!"

"Nothing but an old thing what he is!" she repeated inaudibly. "Florence," said Mrs. Atwater, "don't you want to slip over to grandpa's and ask Aunt Julia if she has a very large darning needle? And don't forget not to look supercilious when you meet people on the way. Even your grandfather has been noticing it, and he was the one that spoke of it to me. Don't forget!" "Yes'm."