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"Who, then " continued Grandma, in an awful tone "do you consider made beans, pa?" Grandpa's eyes, as he glared at the dish, were large and round, and significant of unspeakable things. "Bijonah Keeler!" Grandma hastened to say; "my ears have heard enough!" As for Grandma, neither her appetite, nor her spirits, flagged.

"The stars made me think of heaven, and grandpa's being there, and then I thought how he was ready to go there, and that made him ready to die " "I wouldn't think of such things, Elfie," said Mr. Carleton, after a few minutes. "Why not, Sir?" said Fleda, quickly. "I don't think they are good for you." "But, Mr.

In the first book of this series, "Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue," the story was about the little boy and his sister, and what fun they had getting up a Punch and Judy show. "Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue on Grandpa's Farm," was the name of the second book and you can easily guess what that was about.

Barlow but once, and at that distance I shouldn't know my own father." "Must be Lovell," said Grandpa. "Yis, I know him! Hullo, thar'! Ship ahoy! ship ahoy!" Grandpa's voice suggested something of the fire and vigor it must have had when it rang out across the foam of waves and pierced the tempest's roar. The man turned and looked at us, and then went on again.

Away they went, grandpa's white hair flying in the wind, grandma's impressive cap awry with excitement, as they ambled down the middle, and finished with a kiss when their tuneful journey was done, amid immense applause from those who regarded this as the crowning event of the day.

"Get me something to eat," said the boy; "I'm half starved but bring it to the barn, for I'm too dead tired to stand a moment. Yes, I ran away, of course," he finished irritably. "Do I look as if I'd come in grandpa's carriage?"

"My aunt Margaret is the best looking, and has the nicest way. "My aunt Gertrude is the funniest. I never laugh at what she says, but I have trouble not to. By thinking of Grandpa's rheumaticks I stop myself just in time. Aunt Beulah means all right, and wants to do right and have everybody else the same. "Uncle David is not handsome, but good. "Uncle Jimmie is not handsome, but his hair curls.

A little farther off, across the garden, were grandpa's beehives, where the bees were making honey. Sue and her brother could hear the bees buzzing as they flew from the hives to the flowers in the field. But the children did not want to go very close to the hives, for they knew the bees could sting.

When the children reached grandpa's house again, the big tent was down, and Bunker and the other boys were gone. They were taking the tent back. The smaller tent the one Grandpa Brown had loaned was still up. "Let's go in it and rest," said Bunny. "We can make believe we are camping out." "All right," agreed Sue. Into the tent they went.

Things like this, besides lots of other things, my grandpa's prayers and other things, had made me think a lot of religion, so as to be ready if I was to be took by lightnin' or drownin' or anything suddent. And some of the boys said that if you was drowned and didn't have nothin' on, you'd be kept out of heaven, and sent to a place of punishment.