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Willie gave him a grostesque wink, and observed: 'I believe ye're feart to gang into Glesca noo. Oh, they weemen! 'If ye hadna a face for pies already, I wud gi'e ye yin! 'Ah, but ye daurna strike a man that's been wounded in his country's service. Aw, gor, I wisht I had never enlisted! What country's worth a mug like this? . . . Which girl are ye maist feart for, Macgreegor?

"'Ate a gridiron! says I. 'Och, in throth, I'm not such a gommoch all out as that, anyhow. But, sure, if we had a gridiron we could dress a beefstake, says I. "'Arrah! but where's the beefstake? says he. "'Sure, couldn't we cut a slice aff the pork? says I. "'By gor, I never thought o' that, says the captain. 'You're a clever fellow, Paddy, says he, laughin'.

Raising himself to his feet within the limited range of the clump of trees, he peered anxiously across the river, searching the opposite bank from the east to where it curved southward above the camp. "Gor swizzle! Ef she don't come soon I gotta git over thar an' trail her. . . . An' that means givin' up the job . . . an' mebbe losin' out.

Len took his orders literally, left his milk float where it was in the road, went home, changed into his uniform and reported to HQ. Then he phoned his employer and told him where he could find the milk float leaving it up to the employer to mollify all the irate customers. In December 1939 I returned from Filton to Worral Road and for three months became a member of a GOR shift.

Now, look here, bred'ren, just try wonst to be cibil, a helping yourselbs from dat whale. Don't be tearin' de blubber out your neighbour's mout, I say. Is not one shark dood right as toder to dat whale? And, by Gor, none on you has de right to dat whale; dat whale belong to some one else.

"'Oh, but I'm in airnest, says the captain; 'and do you tell me, Paddy, says he, 'that you spake Frinch? "'Parly voo frongsay? says I. "'By gor, that bangs Banagher, and all the world knows Banagher bangs the divil. I never met the likes o' you, Paddy, says he. 'Pull away, boys, and put Paddy ashore, and maybe we won't get a good bellyful before long.

Whooh! blur-an'-age! whooh! oh, by gorra! that's that's Frank run afther my breath I've lost it run, you tory: oh, by gor, that's stuff as sthrong as Sampson, so it is. Arrah, what well do you dhraw that from? for, faith, 'twould be mighty convanient to live near it in a hard frost."

"It's human lives we're saving to-night, not engines." "Gor lumme! Wots the use o' losin' the engine, too, I says. Any'ow, them rifles in there is more use to us 'ere than there at the trestle. An' I can't be savin' 'uman lives, women ones, in these togs." Murphy climbed back into the cab.

"'Lave aff your humbuggin', says he, 'I bid you, and tell me what it is you mane, at all at all. "'Parly voo frongsay, says I. "'O, your humble sarvant, says he; 'why, by gor, you're a scholar, Paddy. "'Throth, you may say that, says I. "'Why, you're a clever fellow, Paddy, says the captain, jeerin' like. "'You're not the first that said that, says I, 'whether you joke or no.

He sprang upon him as the lion fierce Springs on the nimble gor, then quickly drew His deadly dagger, and with cruel aim, Thrust the keen weapon through the stripling's heart. Khosráu, immediately after slaying him, ordered the body to be washed with musk and rose-water, and, after burial, a tomb to be raised to his memory.