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"Ever sence I was a little chap settin' on my granddaddy's knees by the hearth big hickory fire a-roarin' up the chimbly, wind a-goin' 'whooh! overhead, an' me with my eyes like saucers a-listenin' to his tales of the silver mine that the Injuns had ever sence that time I've hunted that thar mine." He laughed chucklingly, deep in his throat.

It was covered with my travelling handkerchief, and when I untied my face to gratify their curiosity, they burst out with the rude and wild expression of surprise, "Whooh! Whooh! Whey!" Amongst this mob I at once distinguished a number of the Aheer and Soudan merchants.

"What do you mean?" demanded Jack, his face flushed, and his anger greater than before; "didn't you hear me ask for my gun?" "Whooh! brother frow way gun me pick him up he mine." "I threw it down so as to have a better chance of getting away from the grizzly bear; I intended to pick it up again. I know you are a great thief, Motoza, but you can't steal that Winchester from me; hand it over!"

Whooh! blur-an'-age! whooh! oh, by gorra! that's that's Frank run afther my breath I've lost it run, you tory: oh, by gor, that's stuff as sthrong as Sampson, so it is. Arrah, what well do you dhraw that from? for, faith, 'twould be mighty convanient to live near it in a hard frost."